

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Strength Line DMX

Strength Line DMX in AFL measures the strength of a security’s trend using the Directional Movement Index (DMI). With an [AmiBroker data feeder] supplying external data, this indicator helps traders assess trend strength and potential reversals for informed decision-making.

pl = MA((H+L+C)/3,3);
Col_pl = IIf(pl > Ref(pl,-1),colorGreen,colorRed); 
Plot (PL,"",Col_pl,styleThick);
range = Param("trend period", 14, 2, 200, 1 );
em = Param("EMA Of the trend",5,1,20,1);
p = EMA(PDI(range),em);
m = EMA(MDI(range),em);
pe = p-m;
bbtop = BBandTop(pe,5,0.5);
bbbot = BBandBot(pe,5,0.5);

Col_pm = IIf(p > m, colorGreen,colorRed);
Buy = pe > bbtop AND Col_pl == colorGreen;
Sell = pe < bbbot AND Col_pl == colorRed;
Col_bar =IIf(Buy AND p > Ref(p,-1),colorAqua,IIf(Sell AND m > Ref(m,-1),colorRed,IIf(Buy,colorBlue, IIf(Sell,colorDarkRed,colorYellow))));
//Col_bar =IIf(Buy ,colorGreen,IIf(Sell ,colorRed,colorYellow));

Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);

pl = MA((H+L+C)/3,3);
Col_pl = IIf(pl > Ref(pl,-1),colorGreen,colorRed);

//range = Param("ADX Periods", 7, 2, 200, 1 );
//em = Param("EMA Of ADX",3,1,20,1);
p = EMA(PDI(range),em);
m = EMA(MDI(range),em);
pe = p-m;
bbtop = BBandTop(pe,5,0.5);
bbbot = BBandBot(pe,5,0.5);
Buy5 = p > m; 
Sell5 = p < m;

Col_bar5 =IIf(Buy5 AND p > Ref(p,-1),colorBrightGreen,IIf(Sell5 AND m > Ref(m,-1),colorRed,IIf(buy5,colorDarkGreen, IIf(sell5,colorDarkRed,colorYellow))));
Plot(1, "", Col_pm, styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);
Plot(5, "", Col_bar, styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);
Plot(6, "", colorBlack, styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);
//Plot(8, "", Col_bar5, styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);


_SECTION_BEGIN("Fibo for all bars");

TimeFrameSet( in15Minute*2 ); 

pd = ( DH+ DL + DC )/3;
sd1 = (2*pd)-DH;
sd2 = pd -(DH - DL);
sd3 = Sd1 - (DH-DL); 
rd1 = (2*pd)-DL;
rd2 = pd +(DH -DL);
rd3 = rd1 +(DH-DL);

//Plot (pd,"Pivot",colorBlue,styleDots);
//Plot (rd1," R1 ",35,styleDots);
//Plot (rd2," R2 ",35,styleDots);
//Plot (rd3," R3 ",35,styleDots);

//Plot (sd1," S1 ",4,styleDots);
//Plot (Sd2," S2 ",4,styleDots);
//Plot (Sd3," S3 ",4,8+16);
style = IIf(ParamList("Chart style", "styleCandle|styleBar")=="styleCandle",64,128+4);
Plot (C,Date ()+" close",1,style); //ENABLE THIS TO HAVE CANDLES AS WELL

Title = EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ "LINKON'S PIVOT TRADING SYSTEM" + " - " +  Name() + " - " + EncodeColor(colorRed)+ Interval(2) + EncodeColor(colorWhite) +
 "  - " + Date() +" - "+"Op-"+O+"  "+"Hi-"+H+"  "+"Lo-"+L+"  "+ "Cl-"+C+"  "
+ WriteIf(C > pd, EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"stay long",EncodeColor(colorRed)+"stay SHORT") + "\n"
+ "Vol= "+ WriteVal(V) +WriteIf ( V > MA(V,26) ,EncodeColor(colorGreen)+"  UP "+ (V/MA(V,26))*100 + " %", EncodeColor(colorRed)+"  DOWN "+ (V/MA(V,26))*100 + " %")
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD3
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD2
+ EncodeColor(colorGreen)+   "\n R1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+RD1
+ EncodeColor(colorBlue)+   "\n Pivot : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+pd
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S1 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD1
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S2 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD2
+ EncodeColor(colorRed)+   "\n S3 : "+ EncodeColor(colorWhite)+SD3

_SECTION_BEGIN("Bollinger Bands");
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorCycle );
Style = ParamStyle("Style");
Plot( BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 
Plot( BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 

_SECTION_BEGIN("Bollinger Bands1");
P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
Periods = Param("Periods", 15, 2, 300, 1 );
Width = Param("Width", 2, 0, 10, 0.05 );
Color = ParamColor("Color", colorCycle );
Style = ParamStyle("Style");
Plot( BBandTop( P, Periods, Width ), "BBTop" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 
Plot( BBandBot( P, Periods, Width ), "BBBot" + _PARAM_VALUES(), Color, Style ); 

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