Frequently Asked Questions
What is Amibroker Data Feed?
Amibroker Data Feed it’s your direct line to live and historical market data, pumping real-time updates straight into your Amibroker charts for smarter trading decisions!
What types of data feeds do you offer?
We offer real-time and historical data feeds for a wide range of market segments along with huge collections of amibroker afls.
What is a Data Feed API?
A Data Feed API allows AmiBroker to receive and integrate market data from external sources, enabling real-time and historical data analysis within the platform.
Is AmiBroker legal in India?
Yes, Amibroker is legal to use in India. Be cautious of unofficial resellers, since only offers legitimate purchases.
Do you offer customer support?
Yes, we have a dedicated customer support team to assist you with any technical issues or questions related to our data feed service.
What are the benefits of data feed?
Data feeds provide real-time access to market data, integrate seamlessly with trading platforms, and support accurate analysis and decision-making.
Is it possible to use application in Multiple PC?
Yes, Our system independent feature allows to login into multiple PC’s alternatively.
What does AFL mean in AmiBroker?
AFL is a special language for creating indicators, scans, explorations, back-tests and guru commentaries.
What is the importance of learning AFL?
Amibroker AFL is the programming language of Amibroker which provides the flexibility to code complex logic for indicators, strategies, backtests as per the trading needs which cannot be done through the graphical user interface.
What is the process of buying?
After we get your contact details, we shall provide you with the payment link for instant activation and setup.
Do you provide real-time data?
Yes, we offer real-time data feeds that allow you to monitor market changes as they happen. Real-time data is crucial for day traders and active investors.
Is there any other cost involved?
No. All segment amibroker data feed renewal cost Rs.349/month. Apart from that, there are no other charges that can be made on the account.
Is there a free trial available?
We offer a free trial period of three days for our data feed service so you can evaluate its quality and compatibility with your needs.
Is my data secure with your service?
We take data security seriously and employ encryption and other security measures to protect your data. Your information is treated with the utmost confidentiality.
Can I create my own watchlist?
Yes, You can create multiple watchlists by grouping your favorite symbols and make it as default watchlist for easy access.
Is AmiBroker worth it?
Yes, it is worth it if you trade actively and if you appreciate the possibility of using more advanced analysis. However, whether AmiBroker is worth it or not depends on the trader’s trading style and his or her ability to afford the software.
What is the lowest cost of data in AmiBroker?
Amibrokerchart offers the most affordable price for data feed for Amibroker. The plans begin at as low as Rs. 349 per month. There are different types of subscriptions available. For more price details, do visit the pricing section here.
What is Amibroker AFL?
AFL means Amibroker Formula Language. It is a programming language that is used to develop indicators, trading systems, and automation scripts in the Amibroker environment.
Quarterly Subscription
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- Watchlist: 250 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- 1 Minute Backfill
- Watchlist: 500 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- 1 minute Backfill
- EOD Data
- Watchlist: 1000 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 MinuteBackfill
- 1 MinuteBackfill
- EOD Data
- Unlimited Watchlist
- Dedicated Support
Half-yearly Subscription
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- Watchlist: 200 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- 1 Minute Backfill
- Watchlist: 500 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- 1 minute Backfill
- EOD Data
- Watchlist: 1000 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 MinuteBackfill
- 1 MinuteBackfill
- EOD Data
- Unlimited Watchlist
- Dedicated Support
Yearly Subscription
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- Watchlist: 200 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- 1 Minute Backfill
- Watchlist: 500 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 Minute Backfill
- 1 minute Backfill
- EOD Data
- Watchlist: 1000 symbols
- Dedicated Support
- Real Time Data
- 5 MinuteBackfill
- 1 MinuteBackfill
- EOD Data
- Unlimited Watchlist
- Dedicated Support