

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Profit Cole

Amibroker AFL empowers traders to create custom indicators and systems, such as Profit Cole. This indicator, when combined with Amibroker data, aids in assessing profit potential by analyzing market conditions and trade setups. Profit Cole can provide valuable insights to enhance trading strategies and decision-making.

/* COLE.AFL v 1.00 17/10/2001
/* Cole Trading Method
/* Developed by Roger Cole
/* From Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities, V8:12 (460-463), by Alan Friedman
/* Indicator developed and coded by Marek Chlopek, October 2001
/* Support from Tomasz Janeczko and Amibroker Mailing List members - THANKS!!! */

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Cole Trading Method description
/* A up signal is formed when a stock makes three Rally Days in a row with larger volume on each day
/* A down signal is formed when a stock makes three Reaction Days in a row with larger volume on each day
/* Inside and Outside Days are ignored */

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Cole Trading Method Indicator development description
/* Cole Trading Method measures two independent signals: day status (Rally, Reaction, Inside, Outside) and volume,
/* therefore two independent sub-indicators have been implemented:
/* ColeDay - counts number of days in a row when Rally (positive) or Reaction (negative)
/* ColeVolume - counts number of days with higher volume, always positive */

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Cole's Trading Day Status definition */
RY  = H >  Ref(H, -1) AND L >= Ref(L, -1); // Rally Day
RX  = H <= Ref(H, -1) AND L <  Ref(L, -1); // Reaction Day
IN  = H <= Ref(H, -1) AND L >= Ref(L, -1); // Inside Day
OUT = H >  Ref(H, -1) AND L <  Ref(L, -1); // Outside Day

VolRY = Ref(V, - BarsSince(RY));
VolRX = Ref(V, - BarsSince(RX));
RYwithVol  = RY  AND V > IIf(RY, Ref(VolRY, -1), VolRY);  // Rally Day with Volume
RXwithVol  = RX  AND V > IIf(RX, Ref(VolRX, -1), VolRX);  // Reaction Day with Volume

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* ColeDay - counts number of Rally Days in a row (positive) or Reaction Days in a row (negative)
/* When Rally ColeDay increases by 1 unless the first Rally Day then ColeDay = 1
/* When Reaction ColeDay decreases by 1 unless the first Reaction Day then ColeDay = -1
/* When Inside Day or Outside Day then ColeDay stays unchanged */
PeriodRY = BarsSince(NOT RY);
PeriodRX = BarsSince(NOT RX);
ColeDay  = ValueWhen(RX OR RY, Sum(RY, PeriodRY) - Sum(RX, PeriodRX));

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* ColeVolume - counts number of days with higher volume, always positive
/* When volume higher than previous day volume ColeVolume increases by 1
/* When volume lower previous day volume then ColeVolume = 1
/* When Inside Day or Outside Day then ColeVolume stays unchanged */
PeriodV    = BarsSince(V < Ref(V, -1) AND (RX OR RY));
ColeVolume = ValueWhen(RX OR RY, Sum (RX+RY, PeriodV) +1);

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Trading Signals in Cole Trading Method
/* Buy Signal  - when a stock makes three Rally Days in a row with larger volume on each day
/* Sell Signal - when a stock makes three Reaction Days in a row with larger volume on each day */
Buy   = ColeDay >= 3  AND ColeVolume >= 3;
Sell  = ColeDay <= -3 AND ColeVolume >= 3;
Cover = Buy;
Short = Sell;

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Graphic presentation in Amibroker */
MaxGraph = 2;
Graph0 = ColeDay;
Graph1 = ColeVolume;
Title = Name() + " - ColeDay = " + WriteVal(Graph0, 1.0) + "; ColeVolume = " + WriteVal(Graph1, 1.0);

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* Exploration in Amibroker */
Filter = 1;
NumColumns = 9;
Column0 = H;		Column0Name = "H";		Column0Format = 1.2;
Column1 = L;		Column1Name = "L";		Column1Format = 1.2;
Column2 = V;		Column2Name = "V";		Column2Format = 1.0;
Column3 = RY;		Column3Name = "RY";		Column3Format = 1.0;
Column4 = RX;		Column4Name = "RX";		Column4Format = 1.0;
Column5 = IN;		Column5Name = "IN";		Column5Format = 1.0;
Column6 = OUT;		Column6Name = "OUT";		Column6Format = 1.0;
Column7 = ColeDay;	Column7Name = "ColeDay";	Column7Format = 1.0;
Column8 = ColeVolume;	Column8Name = "ColeVolume";	Column8Format = 1.0;

/* ************************************************************************** */
/* END COLE Indicator Formula */

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