

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Combining RSI

AFL code in Amibroker empowers traders to combine multiple Relative Strength Index (RSI) indicators to gain a deeper understanding of price momentum. By merging different RSI periods or divergences, traders can create more robust trading strategies. Amibroker data is essential for RSI calculations and ensuring accurate analysis.

function KST() 
   p1 = MA( ROC(Close,10), 10); 
   p2 = MA( ROC( Close, 15), 10 ); 
   p3 = MA( ROC( Close, 20), 10 ) ; 
   p4 = MA( ROC( Close, 30), 15); 

  return p1 + 2 * p2 + 3 * p3 + 4 * p4; 

Buy = Cross( RSI( 17 ), 60 ) AND C > MA( C, 40 ); 
Sell = Cross( 40, RSI( 17 ) ) OR C < MA( C, 40 ); 

InDownTrend = Flip( Sell, Buy ); 

CBuy = Cross( RSI( 5 ), 60 ) AND C > MA( C, 10 ) AND InDownTrend; 
CSell = ( Cross( 40, RSI( 5 ) ) OR C < MA( C, 10 ) ) AND InDownTrend; 

Buy = Buy OR CBuy; 
Sell = Sell OR CSell; 

Plot( KST(), "KST", colorGreen ); 
Plot( RSI( 5 ), "RSI5", colorRed ); 
Plot( RSI( 17 ), "RSI17", colorBlue );


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