

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Color Specific Bar

AFL code in Amibroker facilitates the creation of color-specific bars within price charts. These colored bars can represent specific market conditions or trading signals, allowing traders to quickly identify key moments in the price action and tailor their strategies accordingly, with the support of Amibroker data feeder.

_SECTION_BEGIN("Color Specific Bars S/R");
//========== ===Method 2: Using Different BackgroundColors====== ========= ========= 
Title = EncodeColor( 4)+ _DEFAULT_NAME( )+"; "+EncodeColor( 1) +
StrFormat("{ {NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} ; {{DATE}}; O=%g, H=%g, L=%g, C=%g
{{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ); 
DisplaySel=ParamToggle("Display" ,"Rel.Location (%)|Price",0) ; 
UpperPrice=round( 10000*(LVVL+ 0.7*(HVVH- LVVL)))/10000; //Forex: Rounding to get rid of annoying 5th digit; NOT strictly necessary 
LowerPrice=round( 10000*(LVVL+ 0.3*(HVVH- LVVL)))/10000; //Forex: Rounding toget rid of annoying 5th digit; NOT strictly necessary 
UPPrice = Param("UpperBand- Price",UpperPrice,LVVL,HVVH, 0.0001); 
DNPrice = Param("LowerBand- Price",LowerPrice,LVVL,HVVH, 0.0001); 
UP1 = 100; 
UP2 = Param("Upper Band-Bottom (%)",75,0,100, 1); 
DN1 = Param("Lower Band-Top (%)",25,1,100, 1); 
FillColorTop= ParamColor(" UB Fill Color",colorLightYellow); 
FillColorBottom = ParamColor(" LB Fill Color",colorAqua) ; 
FillColorBkGnd = ParamColor(" BkGnd Fill Color",colorTan) ; 
Plot(C,"",1, 64); 
Plot(50,"",6, ParamStyle(" Line
Style",styleLeftAxisScale|styleNoLabel+styleDashed )); 
if(DisplaySel) //Adjust with Price 
UP2= (UPPrice -LVVL)/(HVVH- LVVL)*100; 
DN1= (DNPrice -LVVL)/(HVVH- LVVL)*100; 
Plot(UPPrice ,"UpperBandPrice ",FillColorTop, 13); 
Plot(DNPrice ,"LowerBandPrice ",FillColorBottom ,13); 
PlotOHLC( UP1,UP1,50,UP1, "", FillColorTop, styleLeftAxisScale| styleNoLabel
|styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1,UP2 ); 
PlotOHLC( DN2,DN2,50,DN2, "", FillColorBottom ,
styleLeftAxisScale| styleNoLabel |styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1, UP2 ); 
if(!DisplaySel) //Adjust with Relative location (% of Total Visible range) 
UPPrice = LVVL+UP2*(HVVH- LVVL)/100; 
DNPrice = LVVL+DN1*(HVVH- LVVL)/100; 
Plot(UPPrice ,"UpperBandPrice ",FillColorTop, 13); 
Plot(DNPrice ,"LowerBandPrice ",FillColorBottom ,13); 
PlotOHLC( UP1,UP1,50,UP1, "", FillColorTop, styleLeftAxisScale| styleNoLabel
|styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1,UP2 ); 
PlotOHLC( DN2,DN2,50,DN2, "", FillColorBottom ,
styleLeftAxisScale| styleNoLabel |styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, DN1, UP2 ); 
SetChartBkColor( FillColorBkGnd );

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