

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Advanced Chandelier

Amibroker AFL and Amibroker data can be powerful tools for developing an Advanced Chandelier trading system. This indicator, which incorporates volatility into its trailing stop calculations, can help traders manage risk effectively. By using Amibroker’s capabilities, one can fine-tune the parameters of the Chandelier and backtest its performance to optimize trading strategies.

_SECTION_BEGIN("Chandelier Exit v2");
/* Chandelier Exit v2 */
/* by Geoff Mulhall */ 
/* Modified 1-Feb-2003 to take advantage of Ami 2.5 Param Functionality */
/* and to allow for Short Trades as well as Long Trades */
/* The Chandelier Exit is a Volatility based exit. */
/* Refer to http://www.traderclub.com/discus/board.html 
/* Bulletin 35 Trailing Stops - The Chandelier Exit for more detail */
/* Set Scaling to Automatic, Set Gridlines as follows Level 0 On, Show dates On, Middle On */
/* Right Click anywhere in the Chart, Select Parameters to get the Param Dialogue and move the slides to */
/* see the effect of changing ATRMultiplier ATRRange & HHVRange */ 
/* Plot the Chart */
//Title = "Chandelier"; 
GraphXSpace = 2;
/* Candle chart */ 
//Plot(WMA(Close,30),"Close WMA30",4,1);
/* Chandelier Exit */
/* Param( "ATRMultiplier", default, Min, Max, step ); */
ShortLongSwitch = Param( "Sht(0) Lng(1)",1,0,1,1); // Set to 0 for a Short Trade, 1 for a Long Trade
HighCloseSwitch = Param( "C(0) H/L(1)",1,0,1,1); // Set to 0 to hang from the close, 1 for High (Long) or Low (Short)
ATRMultiplier =3.0;// Param( "ATR Mult", 3.0, 1, 4, 0.1);
ATRRange =10; // Param( "ATR Rng", 10, 2, 30, 1);
HHVLLVRange =10;// Param( "HHVLLV Rng", 10, 2, 30, 1);
LongExitHungExHigh = HHV(High - AtrMultiplier * ATR(AtrRange),HHVLLVRange);
LongExitHungExClose = HHV(Close - AtrMultiplier * ATR(AtrRange),HHVLLVRange);
ShortExitHungExLow = LLV(Low + AtrMultiplier * ATR(AtrRange),HHVLLVRange);
ShortExitHungExClose = LLV(Close + AtrMultiplier * ATR(AtrRange),HHVLLVRange);
LongExit = IIf(HighCloseSwitch == 1, LongExitHungExHigh,LongExitHungExClose);
ShortExit = IIf(HighCloseSwitch == 1, ShortExitHungExLow,ShortExitHungExClose);
Exit1 = IIf(ShortLongSwitch == 1, LongExit, ShortExit);
Exit0 = shortExit;
Plot(Exit1,"Chandelier Green",colorGreen,styleLine); 
Plot(Exit0,"Chandelier Red",colorRed,styleLine); 
G0 = Close;
G1 = Exit1;
G2 = Exit0;
Buy = Cross(G0,G1); // OR Cross(G0,G2);
//Cover = Cross(G0,G1); // OR Cross(G0,G2);
Sell = Cross(G2,G0); // OR Cross(G1,G0);
//Short = Sell ; //Cross(G2,G0); // OR Cross(G1,G0);
Buy=ExRem(Buy,Sell); Sell=ExRem(Sell,Buy); Short=ExRem(Short,Cover); Cover=ExRem(Cover,Short);
B1 = (Buy * Close);
S1 = (Sell * Close);
B2= B1>S1;
S2= S1>B1;
Buy1 = Buy;
Sell1 = Sell;
//Plot(B1, "B1",5,6);
PlotShapes( IIf( Sell , shapeSmallDownTriangle/*+ "shapePositonAbove"*/, shapeNone ), colorRed );
PlotShapes( IIf( Buy , shapeSmallUpTriangle/*+ "shapePositonAbove"*/, shapeNone ), colorBrightGreen ); 
Plot(10, /* defines the height of the ribbon in percent of pane width */"",IIf( B2, colorBrightGreen, IIf( S2, colorRed, 0 )), /* choose color*/styleOwnScale|styleArea|styleNoLabel, -0.5, 100 );

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