

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Trend Wodie

Trend Wodie is an essential Amibroker AFL that helps traders identify and capitalize on market trends. Traders depend on Amibroker Data Feeder to access up-to-the-minute market data, ensuring they can effectively implement the Trend Wodie strategy. By using this indicator, traders can gain valuable insights into market trends and make informed decisions to optimize their trading outcomes.

_SECTION_BEGIN("CCI Panel for Amibroker");
// CCI Panel for Amibroker
// Codded/Added by Dennis, Kris, Wring, Santacs 
// Last Update: 1/02/2008
// Go to www.woodiescciclub.com to learn everything about this system. 
// You must be a registered user to see the images and downloads.
// Setup Axes and Grid section (right click on chart panel, click on Parameters):
// Scaling: Custom , Min=-250  Max=250
// Show Date Axis = Yes , Show Middle Lines = No
// To activate the timer properly, make sure the following is set:
// click on Tools==>Preferences==>Intraday....
// make sure "Allign minute bars to market hours" is checked...
// make sure "Start time of interval" is checked...
// make sure "Override: Weekly/monthly bars use day of last trade" is checked.
// Tic/PIP values: YM=1.0, ER2=0.10, NQ=0.25, EUR/USD=.0001, USD/JPY=0.01, Stocks=0.01
// Rangebar Settings :
// ER2 1.50 
// YM 25  
// ES 3 
// NQ 3.75 
// DAX 5  
// ZG 1.5  
// Discalimer: For educational purposes only. Trade at your own risk.

// Timer

TTMperiod = 6; 
Low_ma = EMA(L, TTMperiod); 
High_ma = EMA(H, TTMperiod); 
Low_third = (High_ma - Low_ma) / 3 + Low_ma; 
High_third = 2 * (High_ma - Low_ma) / 3 + Low_ma; 
tempnum = Now( 4 ) - TimeNum(); 
TimeRem = Interval() - ((int(tempnum[BarCount - 1] / 100) * 60) + (tempnum[BarCount - 1] - int(tempnum[BarCount - 1] / 100) * 100)); 
if (TimeRem[BarCount - 1] < 0) TimeRem = 0; 
MinuteVar = int(TimeRem / 60); 
SecondsVar = int(frac(TimeRem / 60) * 60); 
if (TimeRem[BarCount - 1] > 60) 
TitleTimeRem = EncodeColor(colorWhite) + MinuteVar + ":" + WriteIf(SecondsVar > 9, "", "0") +  SecondsVar; 
else if (TimeRem[BarCount - 1] > 20) 
TitleTimeRem =  EncodeColor(colorYellow) + MinuteVar + ":" + WriteIf(SecondsVar > 9, "", "0") + SecondsVar; 
TitleTimeRem = EncodeColor(colorRed) + MinuteVar + ":" + WriteIf(SecondsVar > 9, "", "0") +  SecondsVar; 

// Background color

SetChartBkColor(ParamColor("Panel color ",colorBlack)); 

// CCI colors

zcolor= ParamColor("WCCI color",colorWhite);
z6color= ParamColor("TCCI color",colorYellow);

// CCI periods

zperiod=Param("WCCI period",14,0,100);
z = CCI(zperiod);

z6period=Param("TCCI period",6,0,1000);
z6 = CCI(z6period); 

// Tic/PIP value

TicMult= Param("Tic multiplier(ER2=10,YM=1,ES=4,FOREX=1)",1,0,1000000);
TicDiv= Param("Tic or PIP value(ER2=0.1,YM=1,FOREX=1)",1,0,1000000);

// Rangebar interval

rbint= Param("Rangebar interval:(YM=25.0,AB=1.5,NQ=3.75,ES=3.0)",1.0,0.25,1000000);

// Rangebar counter

rbcounter= round(((rbint-(H-L))) * ticmult);
rbcounterpercent= round((rbcounter/(rbint * ticmult))*100);

// Timer/counter title

timercode= Param("Timer:(minutes=1,rangebar=2)",1,1,2);
timetitle= WriteIf(timercode==1,TitleTimeRem, EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "Countdown  " + rbcounter + "  (" + rbcounterpercent + "%)"); 

// Spread

spread= Param("Spread (included in stop)",0,0,1000000); 

// Stop value

stopval= Param("Stop above/below entry bar",2,0,1000000); 

// Plot grids

PlotTheGrids = ParamToggle("Plot grids","No|Yes",0); 
if (PlotTheGrids ==1) 

// Angle variables

PI = atan(1.00) * 4; 
periods = 30; 
HighHigh = HHV(H, periods); 
LowLow = LLV(L, periods); 
range = 25 / (HighHigh - LowLow) * LowLow;

// EMA34 Angle

EMA34 = EMA(C,34);
x1_EMA34 = 0; 
x2_EMA34 = 1; 
y1_EMA34 = 0; 
y2_EMA34 = (Ref(EMA34, -1) - EMA34) / Avg * range; 
c_EMA34 = sqrt((x2_EMA34 - x1_EMA34)*(x2_EMA34 - x1_EMA34) + (y2_EMA34 - y1_EMA34)*(y2_EMA34 - y1_EMA34)); 
angle_EMA34 = round(180 * acos((x2_EMA34 - x1_EMA34)/c_EMA34) / PI); 
angle_EMA34 = IIf(y2_EMA34 > 0, - angle_EMA34, angle_EMA34); 

// LSMA25 Angle

LSMA25 = LinearReg(C, 25 ); 
x1_LSMA25 = 0; 
x2_LSMA25 = 1; 
y1_LSMA25 = 0; 
y2_LSMA25 = (Ref(LSMA25, -1) - LSMA25) / Avg * range; 
c_LSMA25 = sqrt((x2_LSMA25 - x1_LSMA25)*(x2_LSMA25 - x1_LSMA25) + (y2_LSMA25 - y1_LSMA25)*(y2_LSMA25 - y1_LSMA25)); 
angle_LSMA25 = round(180 * acos((x2_LSMA25 - x1_LSMA25)/c_LSMA25) / PI); 
angle_LSMA25 = IIf(y2_LSMA25 > 0, - angle_LSMA25, angle_LSMA25); 

// Color the bars for Woodies Trend Following 

function Consecutive( array ) 
return BarsSince( NOT( array ) ); 
function Occurrences( array , period ) 
return Sum( array, period ); 
array = z; 
HighBars = Consecutive( array > 0 ); 
LowBars = Consecutive( array < 0 ); 
UpCondition = BarsSince( HighBars >= 6 AND Occurrences( array > 100 , 5 ) > 0 ); 
DnCondition = BarsSince( LowBars >= 6 AND Occurrences( array < -100 , 5 ) > 0 ); 
UpTrend = ( array > 0 ) AND ( UpCondition < DnCondition ); 
DnTrend = ( array < 0 ) AND ( UpCondition > DnCondition ); 
TrTrend = ( HighBars >= 5 AND NOT UpTrend ) OR ( LowBars >= 5 AND NOT DnTrend ); 
Color = IIf( UpTrend, colorBlue, IIf( DnTrend, colorRed, IIf( TrTrend, colorYellow, colorGrey40 ) ) );  

// CCI Line 

//Plot(round(z),"WCCI", zcolor, styleLine | styleThick);

// Turbo CCI 


Plot(round(z6),"TCCI", z6color, styleThick);


//Plot(Z42,"", colorCustom12, styleLine | styleThick); 

// CCI Histogram 

Plot( array, "", colorDefault, styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
Plot( array, "", Color, styleHistogram | styleThick| styleNoLabel); 

// Zero line 25lsma 

Plot(0,"", IIf(C > LSMA25,colorBrightGreen,IIf(C < LSMA25,colorRed,colorTeal)), styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 

// Plot the Mock CZI on the 100s 

ColorANGLE_EMA = IIf(angle_EMA34 >=5,colorTurquoise,
IIf(angle_EMA34 <5 AND angle_EMA34 >=3.57,colorDarkGreen,
IIf(angle_EMA34 <3.57 AND angle_EMA34 >=2.14,colorPaleGreen,
IIf(angle_EMA34 <2.14 AND angle_EMA34 >=.71,colorLime,
IIf(angle_EMA34 <=-1*5,colorDarkRed,
IIf(angle_EMA34 >-1*5 AND angle_EMA34 <=-1*3.57,colorRed,
IIf(angle_EMA34 >-1*3.57 AND angle_EMA34 <=-1*2.14,colorOrange,
IIf(angle_EMA34 >-1*2.14 AND angle_EMA34 <=-1*.71,colorLightOrange,colorYellow))))))));
Plot(100,"", ColorANGLE_EMA , styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
Plot(101,"", ColorANGLE_EMA , styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
Plot(99,"", ColorANGLE_EMA , styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
Plot(98,"", ColorANGLE_EMA , styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 

Plot(-100,"", ColorANGLE_EMA , styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
Plot(-101,"", ColorANGLE_EMA , styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
Plot(-99,"", ColorANGLE_EMA , styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
Plot(-102,"", ColorANGLE_EMA , styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 

// Plot the Mock Sidewinder on the 200s

SW = IIf((abs(angle_EMA34) >= 15) AND (abs(angle_EMA34 + angle_LSMA25) >= 50), IIf(angle_LSMA25 > 0, 2, -2), 
IIf((abs(angle_EMA34) >= 0) AND (((angle_EMA34 >= 0) AND (angle_LSMA25 >= 0)) OR ((angle_EMA34 <= 0) AND (angle_LSMA25 <= 0))) AND (abs(angle_EMA34 + angle_LSMA25) >= 5), IIf(angle_LSMA25 > 0, 1, -1), 0)); 
ColorSW = IIf(abs(SW) == 2, colorBlue, 
IIf(abs(SW) == 1, colorGrey40, colorBlack)); 
Plot(200,"", ColorSW, styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel); 
Plot(-200,"", ColorSW, styleLine | styleThick | styleNoLabel);

// CCI Points

CCipointmove= z-Ref(z,-1);
CCIpointmovetitle= WriteIf(abs(CCipointmove)<15,EncodeColor(colorRed) + "\n"  + "DIFF  " + 
abs(round(CCipointmove)),WriteIf(abs(CCipointmove)>=15 AND abs(CCipointmove)<20,EncodeColor(colorYellow) + "\n"  + "DIFF  " + 
abs(round(CCipointmove)),WriteIf(abs(CCIpointmove)>=20,EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + "\n"  + "DIFF  " + 

// Price Panel

Lastpricetitlehi= WriteIf(H>Ref(H,-1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen) + Ref(H,-1) + "  " + H , EncodeColor(colorWhite)+ Ref(H,-1) + "  " + H);
Lastpricetitlelo= WriteIf(L<Ref(L,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed) + Ref(L,-1) + "  " + L , EncodeColor(colorWhite) + Ref(L,-1) + "  " + L);
Closecolor=WriteIf(C==H AND H>Ref(H,-1),EncodeColor(colorBrightGreen),WriteIf(C==L AND L<Ref(L,-1),EncodeColor(colorRed),EncodeColor(colorWhite)));

// Stop in
Longbar= L+rbint;
Shortbar= H-rbint;
sstoptitle=WriteIf(timercode==2, EncodeColor(colorBlue) + "\n" + "Stop In Long  " + Longbar + EncodeColor(colorRed) + "\n" + "Stop In Short  " + Shortbar + "\n","");

// Stop out

stopCode=ParamToggle("Display stop-out ","No|Yes",0); 
StopLong1= C -(L - (stopval*ticdiv) - (spread*ticdiv));
stoplong= round(StopLong1/ticdiv);
StopShort1= (H + (stopval*ticdiv) + (spread*ticdiv)) - C;
stopshortc= C+StopShort1;
StopShort= round(StopShort1/ticdiv);
stoptitle= WriteIf(stopcode==1,EncodeColor(colorBlue) + "\n" + "Stop Out Long  " + stoplong1c + "   " + stoplong + "\n" +
EncodeColor(colorRed) + "Stop Out Short  " + stopshortc + "   " + stopshort  + "\n","");

// Title

Title = "\n" + "" + EncodeColor(colorWhite) + Date() + "\n" + "\n" +
timetitle + "\n" + "\n" + Lastpricetitlehi + "\n" + Closecolor + C +   
"\n" + Lastpricetitlelo + "\n" +  CCIpointmovetitle + "\n" + sstoptitle + stoptitle;

Buy=Z42>0 AND (Cross(round(z),-100) OR Cross(round(z),0) OR Cross(round(z),50));
Sell=Z42<0 AND (Cross(100,round(z)) OR Cross(0,round(z)) OR Cross(-50,round(z)));
Filter=Buy OR Sell;

AddColumn( IIf(Buy,1,IIf(Sell,-1,0)) ,"BS",1.0,colorBlack,IIf(Buy,colorGreen,IIf(Sell,colorRed,colorBlack)));




periods = Param( "Periods", 20, 1, 200, 1 );
K1smooth = Param( "%K1 avg", 4, 1, 200, 1 );
//Plot( StochK( periods , K1smooth), _DEFAULT_NAME(), colorCustom3, styleNoLabel  | styleThick | styleDots);

periods = Param( "Periods", 20, 1, 200, 1 );
K1smooth = Param( "%K1 avg", 4, 1, 200, 1 );
D1smooth = Param( "%D1 avg", 2, 1, 200, 1 );
//Plot( StochD( periods , K1smooth, D1Smooth ), _DEFAULT_NAME(), colorCustom3, styleNoLabel  | styleThick | styleDots);

A = StochK( periods , K1smooth);
B = StochD( periods , K1smooth, D1Smooth );

PlotOHLC( 300, 300 , 250 , 250 , "", IIf(A>B,colorGreen,colorRed), styleCloud | styleNoLabel);
PlotOHLC( -280, -280 , -300 , -300 , "", IIf(C > LSMA25,colorBrightGreen,IIf(C < LSMA25,colorRed,colorTeal)), styleCloud | styleNoLabel);

periods = Param( "Periods", 8, 1, 200, 1 );
K1smooth = Param( "%K1 avg", 3, 1, 200, 1 );

periods = Param( "Periods", 8, 1, 200, 1 );
K2smooth = Param( "%K1 avg", 3, 1, 200, 1 );
D2smooth = Param( "%D1 avg", 3, 1, 200, 1 );

M = StochK( periods , K2smooth);
N = StochD( periods , K2smooth, D2Smooth );


//Plot( M,"StoK", ColorK, styleNoLabel|styleThick);
//Plot( N,"StoD", colorDarkYellow, styleNoLabel|styleDashed);

//PlotOHLC( 0, A , B , B , "Cloud", IIf(A > B ,colorAqua,colorRed), styleCloud | styleNoLabel);


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