

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Chaikin Volume Accumulation

Chaikin Volume Accumulation is a trading indicator that combines price and volume data to gauge the strength of a price trend. Traders utilize Amibroker Data to track Chaikin Volume Accumulation, enabling them to identify potential buy or sell signals. This dynamic tool helps market participants make informed decisions based on the accumulated volume and price movement.

_SECTION_BEGIN("Chaikin Volume Accumulation");

//  A simple example of using HHV, LLV functions

/* Chaikin Volume Accumulation */

cv = 25; 
Graph0 = ((( Close-LLV( Close,cv )) - (HHV(Close,cv)-Close)) / (HHV(Close,cv) - LLV(Close,cv))) * Volume;

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