

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Central Gravity

The Central Gravity Amibroker AFL is a tool used for analyzing financial market data. It combines various data points to calculate a central point of reference for a trading instrument. Traders can use this reference point to gain insights into potential price movements and trend reversals, helping them make informed trading decisions when combined with accurate Amibroker data.

// {J.Ehlers Center of Gravity: TASC 5/2002} 
Num= Num + (2 * Ref(mpp,-1)); 
Num= Num + (3 * Ref(mpp,-2)); 
Num= Num + (4 * Ref(mpp,-3));  
Num= Num + (5 * Ref(mpp,-4)); 
Num= Num + (6 * Ref(mpp,-5)); 
Num= Num + (7 * Ref(mpp,-6)); 
Num= Num + (8 * Ref(mpp,-7)); 
Num= Num + (9 * Ref(mpp,-8)); 
Num= Num + (10 * Ref(mpp,-9)); 
Denom= mpp; 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-1); 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-2); 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-3); 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-4); 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-5); 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-6); 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-7); 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-8); 
Denom= Denom + Ref(mpp,-9); 
//{CG:= (Div(Num,Denom)) * -1;} 
CG= (Num / Denom) * -1; 
CG1= MA(cg,3); 

Buy = Cross(CG,CG1);
PlotShapes (IIf(Buy,shapeUpArrow,shapeNone) ,colorLime);

Sell = Cross(CG1,CG);
Title="Center of Gravity" +"\n Slope is "+WriteVal(LinRegSlope(Cg,10))+ WriteIf(LinRegSlope(Cg,10)>Ref(LinRegSlope(cg,10),-1)," And Rising", " And Falling");

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