

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

CCT StochasticRSI

CCT StochasticRSI is a strategy that combines the Stochastic Relative Strength Index (RSI) with free Amibroker data feed. This powerful amalgamation helps traders assess overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The use of free Amibroker data ensures that traders have access to real-time information, enabling them to apply the CCT StochasticRSI strategy effectively for more precise entry and exit points in their trades.


//  Steve Karnish wrote:
//  "Roger Altman, William Blau, Stanley Kroll, and Tushar Chande have all
//  improved on J. Welles Wilder’s Relative Strength Index. I believe
//  the best of these derivative indicators is the Stochastic RSI. [...] This
//  version is just one of many I use. I like substituting the numbers 3, 5, 8
//  & 13 in this formula. "

/* CCT StochRSI
** Originally developed by Steve Karnish 
** http://www.cedarcreektrading.com
** AFL translation by Tomasz Janeczko
** Set scaling: Custom 0..100
** Grid: 30/70

period = 13;
Graph0=100*( ( RSI( period ) - LLV( RSI( period ) , period ) ) / ( ( HHV( RSI( period ) , period ) ) - LLV(RSI( period ), period ) ) );

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