

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Relative Performance

Relative performance is a crucial metric in analyzing the performance of different assets or securities. Amibroker data provides accurate and reliable information that can be used to calculate relative performance. By utilizing Amibroker AFL (AmiBroker Formula Language), investors can easily compare the performance of various stocks or indices, aiding them in making informed investment decisions. 

_SECTION_BEGIN("Relative Performance");
_N( TickerList = ParamStr("Tickers", "^DJI,MSFT,GE") );
NumBars = 20;
fvb = Status("firstvisiblebar");
Plot( 100 * ( C - C[ fvb ] ) / C[ fvb ], Name(), colorBlue );
for( i = 0; ( symbol = StrExtract( TickerList, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
 fc = Foreign( symbol, "C" );

 if( ! IsNull( fc[ 0 ] ) )
   Plot( 100 * ( fc - fc[ fvb ] )/ fc[ fvb ], symbol, colorLightOrange + ( (2*i) % 15 ), styleLine );
PlotGrid( 0, colorYellow );
_N( Title = "{{NAME}} - Relative Performance [%]: {{VALUES}}" );

if( Status("action") == actionCommentary )
	Change = SelectedValue( ROC( C, NumBars ) );
	printf( "Over last %g bars ", NumBars );
	printf( Name() + " has moved %.2g%%\n", Change );

	printf("\nIn the same time\n");
	for( i = 0; ( symbol = StrExtract( TickerList, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
	 fc = Foreign( symbol, "C" );
	 if( ! IsNull( fc[ 0 ] ) )
		fChange = SelectedValue( ROC( fc, NumBars ) );
 		printf( symbol + " performance was %.2g%%", fChange, fChange - Change );
		if( fChange - Change > 0 )
      		printf( " better " );
			printf( " worse " ); 
   		printf( "than " + Name() + "\n");

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