

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Button Trading Using AB Auto Trading Interface

The Button Trading AFL, integrated with AB Auto Trading Interface, depends on real-time Amibroker data for seamless execution. Traders can efficiently manage their trades using this AFL, as it leverages accurate Amibroker data to place buy and sell orders with precision, streamlining their trading experience.

// Barrys buttton trading 
// Written by Barry Scarborough 20 May 2008

_SECTION_BEGIN("Button trading"); 
SetChartOptions(0, chartShowDates); 
Filename = StrLeft(_DEFAULT_NAME(),StrLen(_DEFAULT_NAME())-2);
_N(Title = Filename + StrFormat(" - {{DATE}} \nOpen %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " + " {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));

VarPfx = "Btn1"; // some var that reflects the trading file

// ####  Parameters   ########################################################################################################
AutoTrade	= ParamToggle("Auto trade", "Off|Running");
Contracts	= Param("Num contracts", 1, 1, 1000, 1);
typeOrder = ParamList("Order type", "MKT,STP");
BuyOrder  	= ParamTrigger("Place Buy order","Buy");
SellOrder = ParamTrigger("Place Sell order","Sell");
CloseAll  = ParamTrigger("Close all positions","Close all");
CancelAll = ParamTrigger("Cancel all orders","Cancel all");
Reset		= ParamTrigger("Reset", "Reset"); 

// ####  Place your timing system here #######################################################################################

// calc MACD
myMACD = MACD(); 		// calculate the macd
mySig = Signal();		// calculate the signal
// macd buy and sell conditions
upMacd = myMACD > mysig; // buy condition is the macd line above the signal line
dnMacd = mySig  > myMACD; // sell condition is the macd line below the signal line

Buy = Sell = Short = Cover = 0; // make sure all arrays are set false
Buy  = Cover = upMACD; 
Sell = Short = dnMACD;  

// ####  Plot indicators and shapes  ##########################################################################################
Plot(myMACD, "\nMACD",colorRed,styleThick|styleLeftAxisScale); // plot the macd line
Plot(mySig,"\nSignal",colorBlack,styleDashed|styleLeftAxisScale); // plot the macd signal line

PlotShapes(Buy * shapeUpArrow, colorGreen,0,Low, 2);
PlotShapes(Sell * shapeDownArrow, colorRed,0,High, 2);
// ####  Static vars reset   ##################################################################################################
if( reset OR Nz(StaticVarGet(varPfx  + "Init") == False) )
	StaticVarSetText(varPfx  + "orderID", "");
	StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + "lastTrade", ""); 
	StaticVarSet(VarPfx + "numPositions", 0);
	_TRACE("# init, " + NumToStr(StaticVarGet(varPfx  + "num"), 1.0));

// ####  functions  ###########################################################################################################

function fSayOnce( text ) 
   	if( StaticVarGetText(VarPfx + "lastsaidtext") != text ) 
      	Say( text ); 
      	StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + "lastsaidtext", text ); 
		if(DebugOn) 	_TRACE("#, SayOnce Text =" + text + "\n");

// ####  Trading section ########################################################################################################

	ibc = GetTradingInterface("IB");
	ConnectedStatus = ibc.IsConnected();	// get the connection status, 2 is OK

	// this is where the trade processing is done
	if( ConnectedStatus == 2 OR ConnectedStatus == 3) // connected to TWS with no error messages
		OrderID = StaticVarGetText(VarPfx + "OrderID");
		OrderStatus = ibc.GetStatus( OrderID, True );
		oldNumPositions = StaticVarGet(VarPfx + "numPositions");
		numPositions  = ibc.GetPositionSize(Name()); 
		StaticVarSet(VarPfx + "numPositions", numPositions  );
		LastTrade = StaticVarGetText(VarPfx + "lastTrade"); 
		_TRACE("# buy, positions = " + NumToStr(numPositions, 1.0) + ", last trade = " + LastTrade + ", OID = " + OrderID);

		if(  ( LastTrade == "Buy" AND numPositions  > oldNumPositions ) 	OR 
			 ( LastTrade == "Sell" AND numPositions  < oldNumPositions ) 	OR 
			 ( LastTrade == "Close" AND numPositions  == 0) 				    )
			OrderID = StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + OrderID, "");
		else if (OrderStatus == "Cancelled")
			OrderID = StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + OrderID, "");
		if( BuyOrder )
 	      	OrderID = ibc.PlaceOrder( Name(), "Buy", Contracts, typeOrder, 0, LastValue(C), "GTC", True);
 	      	StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + "OrderID", OrderID);
			StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + "lastTrade", "Buy"); 
			_TRACE("# buy, positions = " + NumToStr(numPositions, 1.0));

		if( SellOrder )
			OrderID = ibc.PlaceOrder( Name(), "Sell", Contracts, typeOrder , 0, LastValue(C), "GTC", True);
			StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + "OrderID", OrderID);
			StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + "lastTrade", "Sell"); 
			_TRACE("# sell, positions = " + NumToStr(numPositions, 1.0));
		else if( CloseAll  )
			fSayOnce("close all");
			ibc.CancelAllPendingOrders( );
			StaticVarSetText(VarPfx + "lastTrade", "Close"); 
			_TRACE("# close, positions = " + NumToStr(numPositions, 1.0));
		else if( CancelAll )
			fSayOnce("cancel all");
			ibc.CancelAllPendingOrders( );
			_TRACE("# cancel, ");
		LastTWSMsg = ibc.getLastError( 0 );

	// the following will display in the interprettion window
		printf("Order type: " + LastTrade +
		"\nOrder Status: " + OrderStatus + 
		"\nOrder ID: " + StaticVarGetText(VarPfx + "OrderID") + 
		"\nNum positions: " + NumToStr(ibc.GetPositionSize( Name() ),1.0,False) +
		"\nLast TWS Msg: " + LastTWSMsg );
	else // ConnectedStatus == 0 OR ConnectedStatus == 1, lost connection
		// handle commection errors 
		if(ConnectedStatus == 0) stat = "Not Connected."; else if(ConnectedStatus == 1) stat = "Lost Connection.";
		SetChartBkColor( colorYellow);		
	// the following will display in the interprettion window
		printf("\nTWS Status: " + stat + "\n"); 
} // end auto trading loop
	SetChartBkColor( colorPink);
	// the following will display in the interprettion window
	printf("\n1. Autotrading is turned off\n" +
	"2. TWS not started." );


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