

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM


The BB AFL strategy thrives on the reliability of the Amibroker data feed. Real-time and historical Amibroker data assist traders in interpreting Bollinger Bands dynamics with precision. The Amibroker data feed provides the necessary accuracy for traders to identify potential trend shifts and capitalize on market opportunities through the BB strategy.

_SECTION_BEGIN("Mean Band");
function SteBand( array, periods,number, upper ) 
Lr = LinearReg( array, periods ); 
se = StdErr( array, periods ); 
return LR + IIf( upper, 1, -1 ) * number * se; 
Periods = Param("Standard Error", 80, 1, 200, 1); 
Smooth = Param("Mean Smoothness",14,2,100,1);
number = Param("StdErrNo", 1, 0.2, 3.0,0.2);

parmCloudColor = ParamColor("Cloud Color", ColorRGB( 40,40,40) );

UStdErrBand = SteBand( C, Periods, number, True ); 
LStdErrBand = SteBand( C, Periods, number, False ); 
MStdErrBand = (UStdErrBand + LStdErrBand )/2; 

Plot( MA(UStdErrBand,smooth), "UpperBand ", colorDarkRed,styleLine );
Plot( MA(LStdErrBand,smooth), "LowerBand ", colorDarkRed,styleLine ); 
Plot( MA(MStdErrBand,smooth) , "MidBand", colorPlum , styleDashed ); 

Plot( Close, "Close", colorBlack, styleCandle );
PlotOHLC( MA(UStdErrBand,smooth), MA(UStdErrBand,smooth), MA(LStdErrBand,smooth) , MA(LStdErrBand,smooth) , "", parmCloudColor, styleCloud | styleNoLabel); 


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