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N-Period Candlesticks (Time Compression)

N-Period Candlesticks, employing time compression techniques in Amibroker, condense market data into meaningful candlestick patterns. This method aggregates price movements over specific periods, enhancing clarity and simplifying analysis. Integrating these candlesticks into Amibroker enables traders to identify trends and patterns more efficiently, aiding in comprehensive market assessments.


//  Construct n-period candlesticks while viewing any price chart. E.g. n=5 is
//  ~ weekly, n=20 ~monthly.
//  This saves you from creating multiple windows or switching between
//  daily/weekly/monthly views.

// compress price time series by a given factor
// e.g. 5 into 1 is like weekly view
// by Junya Ho (JUNYAdotHO@nospamUTORONTOdotCA)

barnum = Cum(1);
numbars = LastValue(barnum);
factor = 5; // compress FACTOR bars into 1
// number of compressed bars
numcbars = ceil(numbars / factor);

delta = numbars - barnum;

factorbeginidx = - factor * delta - factor + 1 + delta;
factorendidx = - factor * delta + delta;

newo = IIf(barnum < numbars - numcbars, 0, Ref(O, factorbeginidx));
newh = IIf(barnum < numbars - numcbars, 0, Ref(HHV(H, factor), factorendidx));
newl = IIf(barnum < numbars - numcbars, 0, Ref(LLV(L, factor), factorendidx));
newc = IIf(barnum < numbars - numcbars, 0, Ref(C, factorendidx));

Daystart_str = WriteVal(Ref(Year(), factorbeginidx), 1.0) + "-" + WriteVal(Ref(Month(), factorbeginidx), 1.0) + "-" + WriteVal(Ref(Day(), factorbeginidx), 1.0);

Dayend_str = WriteVal(Ref(Year(), factorendidx), 1.0) + "-" + WriteVal(Ref(Month(), factorendidx), 1.0) + "-" + WriteVal(Ref(Day(), factorendidx), 1.0);

PlotOHLC(newo, newh, newl, newc, WriteVal(factor, 1.0) + "-period price", 17, styleCandle);

Title = WriteVal(factor, 1.0) + "-period candlesticks,  O:" + WriteVal(newo) + ",  H:" + WriteVal(newh) + ",  L:" + WriteVal(newl) + ",  C:" + WriteVal(newc) + ",  from: " + Daystart_str + ", to: " + Dayend_str;

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