

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Murrey Math Price Lines

Murrey Math Price Lines AFL in Amibroker focuses on plotting price-based support and resistance lines derived from Murrey Math principles. Integrated with Amibroker data feed, this AFL aids traders in identifying critical price levels that may influence market movements. By utilizing Amibroker data feed capabilities, this AFL assists traders in analyzing price action concerning Murrey Math Price Lines to make more informed trading decisions.

//       $Archive: /AFL.root/AFL/YofaTrader/Custom/Murrey Math Price Lines.afl.cs $           
//          $Date: 08.03.29 22:57 $         
//       $Modtime: 08.03.29 22:52 $       
//      $Revision: 15 $      
//      $Workfile: Murrey Math Price Lines.afl.cs $        

ParamShowLevel=ParamList("Show harmonic levels", "1/8|1/4|1/2", 1 ); 
ParamShowLabel=ParamStyle("Show harmonic labels", styleNoLabel, styleNoLabel);

if(Status("action") ==1)  //indicator
    LastVisibleIndex = LastValue(Status("lastvisiblebarindex"));
    if (LastVisibleIndex > BarCount -1) //to avoid errors is case of cursor is behind the last bar
	    LastVisibleIndex = BarCount-1;
    TotalVisibleBars = LastVisibleIndex - LastValue(Status("firstvisiblebarindex")) + 1;
    LastVisibleIndex = BarCount -1;
    TotalVisibleBars = BarCount;

HHScreen = HHV(High, TotalVisibleBars);
LLScreen = LLV(Low,  TotalVisibleBars);
PRScreen = HHScreen[LastVisibleIndex] - LLScreen[LastVisibleIndex]; //Price range

PriceRangeVisible = PRScreen * 1.1;
MiddleVisible = (HHScreen[LastVisibleIndex] + LLScreen[LastVisibleIndex]) /2;
HighestVisible= MiddleVisible + PriceRangeVisible / 2;
LowestVisible = MiddleVisible - PriceRangeVisible / 2;

SquareBase = 0.1953125;

if (HighestVisible > 0.390625)
    { SquareBase = 1.5625; }

if (HighestVisible > 1.5625)
    { SquareBase = 3.125; }
if (HighestVisible > 3.125)
    { SquareBase = 6.25; }
if (HighestVisible > 6.25)
    { SquareBase = 12.5; }
if (HighestVisible > 25)
    { SquareBase = 100; }
if (HighestVisible > 250)
    { SquareBase = 1000; }
if (HighestVisible > 2500)
    { SquareBase = 10000; }
if (HighestVisible > 25000)
    { SquareBase = 100000; }

ShowLevel = 1;

PriceStep = SquareBase / 8;
while ( PriceRangeVisible / 4 <= PriceStep AND ShowLevel < 4)
    PriceStep = PriceStep / 8;

//Lowest,highest harmonic value to show on the panel
LowerValue  = floor(LowestVisible  / PriceStep) * PriceStep;
HigherValue = ceil(HighestVisible / PriceStep) * PriceStep;

Octave1PriceStep = SquareBase / 8; 
Octave2PriceStep = SquareBase / 64 ;
Octave3PriceStep = SquareBase / 512;

Harmonic = LowerValue;

//iterate from low to high values 
while( Harmonic <= HigherValue )
    style = styleDashed; // 1/8, 3/8, 5/8, 7/8 lines of any level
    color = colorGreen;  //1/8, 7/8
    if ((Harmonic / PriceStep) % 8 == 1 OR (Harmonic / PriceStep) % 8 == 7)
        color = colorYellow; // 3/8, 5/8
    if (ParamShowLevel != "1/8")
        style = styleNoLine;
    if ((Harmonic / PriceStep) % 2 == 0) // 1/4, 3/4 lines of any level
        style = styleDashed;
        color = colorPink;
        if (ParamShowLevel == "1/2")
            style = styleNoLine;
    if ((Harmonic / PriceStep) % 4 == 0) // 1/2 line of any level
        style = styleDashed;
        color = colorBlue;
    if ((Harmonic / PriceStep) % 8 == 0) // 1/1 line of Baby level
        color = colorBlue;
        style = styleLine;
        if ((Harmonic / Octave3PriceStep) % 64 == 0) // 1/1 line of Minor level 
             style = styleThick; // 1/1 /Level Minor
    if (style != styleNoLine)  //if there is a line to plot... (avoid printing unused labels)
	    style = style + ParamShowLabel;
        Plot( Harmonic, "", color, style);
    Harmonic = Harmonic + PriceStep;

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