

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Multiple Time Frame

Multiple Time Frame AFL in Amibroker enables the analysis of various indicators across different time frames within a single chart. Integrated with Amibroker data feed, this AFL allows traders to simultaneously view indicators across multiple time frames, aiding in comprehensive trend analysis. By leveraging Amibroker data feed capabilities, Multiple Time Frame assists traders in making informed decisions based on a holistic view of indicators across different time horizons.

_SECTION_BEGIN("multiple timeframe");
n_open = TimeFrameGetPrice("O",n*in1Minute); 
n_high = TimeFrameGetPrice("H",n*in1Minute); 
n_low = TimeFrameGetPrice("L",n*in1Minute); 
n_close = TimeFrameGetPrice("C",n*in1Minute); 

n_Open = TimeFrameCompress( n_Open, n*in1Minute );
n_High = TimeFrameCompress( n_High, n*in1Minute );
n_Low = TimeFrameCompress( n_Low, n*in1Minute );
n_Close = TimeFrameCompress( n_Close, n*in1Minute ); 

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