

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Moon Phase

The Moon Phase AFL in Amibroker incorporates lunar cycles to analyze potential market trends. While not based on traditional financial indicators, it explores correlations between lunar phases and market behavior. Integrated with Amibroker data feed, this AFL offers insights into potential cyclic patterns, allowing traders to consider alternative factors in their decision-making process.

// Luna Phase Calculator.
// Code converted from: http://home.att.net/~srschmitt/lunarphasecalc.html
// OzFalconAB

// Get Day/Month/Year in number format (NOT array).
Y = SelectedValue(Year()); M = SelectedValue(Month()); D = 

// normalize values to range 0...1
function normalize( Val )

Val = Val - floor( Val );
if (Val < 0) {Val = Val + 1;}
return Val;

// Set Pi.
PI = 3.1415926535897932385;

// calculate the Julian Date at 12H UT
YY = Y - floor( ( 12 - M ) / 10 ); 
MM = M + 9;
if (MM >= 12) {MM = MM - 12;}

K1 = floor( 365.25 * ( YY + 4712 ) );
K2 = floor( 30.6 * MM + 0.5 );
K3 = floor( floor( ( YY / 100 ) + 49 ) * 0.75 ) - 38;

JD = K1 + K2 + D + 59; // for dates in Julian calendar
if (JD > 2299160) {JD = JD - K3;} // for Gregorian calendar

// calculate moon's age in days
IP = normalize( ( JD - 2451550.1 ) / 29.530588853 );
AG = IP*29.53;

Phase = "NEW";
if (AG < 27.68493) {Phase = "Waning crescent";S1=4;S2=8;}
if (AG < 23.99361) {Phase = "Last quarter";S1=4;S2=12;}
if (AG < 20.30228) {Phase = "Waning gibbous";S1=6;S2=14;}
if (AG < 16.61096) {Phase = "FULL";S1=6;S2=15;}
if (AG < 12.91963) {Phase = "Waxing gibbous";S1=6;S2=7;}
if (AG < 9.22831) {Phase = "First quarter";S1=2;S2=3;}
if (AG < 5.53699) {Phase = "Waxing crescent";S1=2;S2=1;}
if (AG < 1.84566) {Phase = "NEW";S1=0;S2=0;}

IP1 = IP;
IP = IP*2*PI; // Convert phase to radians

// calculate moon's distance
DP = 2*PI*normalize( ( JD - 2451562.2 ) / 27.55454988 );
DI = 60.4 - 3.3*cos( DP ) - 0.6*cos( 2*IP - DP ) - 0.5*cos( 2*IP );

// calculate moon's ecliptic latitude
NP = 2*PI*normalize( ( JD - 2451565.2 ) / 27.212220817 );
LA = 5.1*sin( NP );

// calculate moon's ecliptic longitude
RP = normalize( ( JD - 2451555.8 ) / 27.321582241 );
LO = 360*RP + 6.3*sin( DP ) + 1.3*sin( 2*IP - DP ) + 0.7*sin( 2*IP );

Zodiac = "Pisces";
if (LO < 348.58) {Zodiac = "Aquarius";}
if (LO < 311.72) {Zodiac = "Capricorn";}
if (LO < 302.49) {Zodiac = "Sagittarius";}
if (LO < 271.26) {Zodiac = "Scorpio";}
if (LO < 242.57) {Zodiac = "Libra";}
if (LO < 224.17) {Zodiac = "Virgo";}
if (LO < 173.34) {Zodiac = "Leo";}
if (LO < 135.30) {Zodiac = "Cancer";}
if (LO < 119.48) {Zodiac = "Gemini";}
if (LO < 93.44) {Zodiac = "Taurus";}
if (LO < 51.16) {Zodiac = "Aries";}
if (LO < 33.18) {Zodiac = "Pisces";}

_N(Title = "Date = " + Y + "/" + M + "/" +D + "\n" +
"Age: " + AG + " Phase: " + Phase + "\n" +
"distance: " + DI + " earth radii\n" +
"ecliptic\n" +
" latitude = " + LA + "°\n" +
" longitude = " + LO + "°\n" +
"constellation = " + Zodiac+ "\n" +
"IP: " + IP1);

Color = IIf(O > C, colorBlack, colorYellow);
Plot( Close, "Price", color, styleCandle | styleOwnScale );

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