

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Money Flow Indicator

The Money Flow Indicator AFL in Amibroker analyzes the flow of money into or out of a security, aiding traders in assessing market strength. Leveraging Amibroker data feed, this AFL calculates the relationship between price and volume, providing insights into potential trend reversals or confirmations. Integrating Amibroker data feed enhances the accuracy of signals generated by the Money Flow Indicator AFL, empowering traders to make informed decisions based on the flow of funds within the market.

_SECTION_BEGIN("money flow indicator");

// Money Flow Indicator - FVE by Markos Katsanos - almost identical to proprietary TSV money flow indicator by Worden

Period = Param("Period for FVE", 22, 5, 80, 1 );
Coeff = Param("Coeff for Cutoff", 0.1, 0, 2, 0.01 );

Vintra = StDev(intra, period );
inter = log(Avg)-log(Ref(Avg,-1));
Vinter = StDev(inter,period);
Cutoff = Coeff * (Vinter+Vintra)*C;
MF = C- (H+L)/2 + Avg - Ref( Avg, -1 );
VC = IIf( MF > Cutoff, V,
IIf( MF < -Cutoff, -V, 0 ));
FVE = 100 * Sum( VC, Period )/(MA( V, Period ) * Period );

// Momemtum Indicator by William Blau

TSI = 100 * ( EMA( EMA( C - Ref( C, -1 ) ,25 ) ,13)
/ EMA( EMA( abs( C - Ref( C, -1) ),25 ), 13 ) );

// Plots for money flow and momentum indicators

Plot(TSI,"TSI",colorYellow,1); //Plots TSI line

PlotGrid(25,55); // shows white grid line for black background
PlotGrid(-25,-55); // same

Plot(EMA(TSI,5),"TSI signal",colorGreen,1); // Plots a 7 day EMA of TSI

Plot( FVE, "Modified FVE", colorWhite, styleThick ); // FVE line is shown in red
Plot (0,"",colorBlue,styleNoLabel); // shows a blue line through 0

RAD_TO_DEG = 180/3.1415926; // radians to degrees
LinRegAngleFVE = RAD_TO_DEG * atan( LinRegSlope( FVE, 22 ) ); // calculates angle of money flow indicator

// Buy Rules
Buy = FVE > -10 AND FVE < 10 AND
LinRegAngleFVE > 30 AND
FVE > EMA( FVE, 5 ) AND EMA(FVE, 5) > EMA(FVE, 22) AND
LinRegSlope( C, 10 ) < Ref(C, -10 ) *0.6/100 AND
LinRegSlope( C, 10 ) > -Ref( C, -10 ) * 0.3/100 AND Cross( TSI, EMA(
TSI, 7 ) );
Buy = tsi > EMA(tsi,5);
// Sell Rules

Sell = tsi < EMA(tsi,5);
Sell = Cross (EMA (TSI, 7), TSI) OR LinRegAngleFVE < -20;


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