

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Modified Single MA

The Modified Single MA AFL in Amibroker focuses on analyzing trends using a modified single Moving Average indicator. Leveraging amibroker data feed  functionalities enables traders to assess trend direction and potential entry or exit points based on the modified Moving Average. This AFL assists traders in understanding trend dynamics and making informed trading decisions.


SetChartOptions(0, chartShowDates | chartWrapTitle);
Type = ParamList("Average Type", "Wilders,SMA,EMA");
P = Param("Averaging Period", 20, 3, 100,1);
Q = Param("%Change", 1, 0.1, 10, 0.1);
BP = Param("BB Period", 20, 3, 100);
BW = Param("BB Width", 2, 0.5, 10, 0.5);
BBOption = ParamToggle("Plot BB", "No I Yes");

Report = ParamList("Trigs or Update or Tgt-SL?", "Triggers|Update|Tgt-SL");

if(Type == "Wilders") A = Wilders(C, P);
if(Type == "SMA") A = MA(C, P);
if(Type == "EMA") A = EMA(C, P);

SL = Max(LLV(L, 5), Trough(L, Q, 1));

Tgt = 2 * H - SL;
MeanPrice = Prec((O + C) / 2, 2);

Part = 100 * (H - A) / (H - L);

BBTop = BBandTop(C, BP, BW);
BBBot = BBandBot(C, BP, BW);

Buy = (Prec(C, 2) > Prec(A, 2)) AND Part > 70;
Sell = H < A;

Buy = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell, Buy);
Bought = Flip(Buy, Sell);
Sold = Flip(Sell, Buy);
NextTgt = ValueWhen(Buy, Tgt, 1);

for(i = 1; i < BarCount; i++)
		if(Bought[i] AND NOT Buy[i]) 
			SL[i] = Max(SL[i], SL[i - 1]);
			if(C[i - 1] >= 0.9999 * NextTgt[i - 1]) NextTgt[i] = Tgt[i - 1];
			NextTgt[i] = Max(NextTgt[i], NextTgt[i - 1]);
BuyDate = ValueWhen(Buy, Ref(DateTime(), 1), 1);
BuyPrice = ValueWhen(Buy, Ref(MeanPrice, 1), 1);
SellPrice = ValueWhen(Sell, Ref(MeanPrice, 1), 1);

TgtReached = IIf(Bought AND NOT Buy AND C >= 0.9999 * NextTgt, True, False);
SLHit = IIf(Bought AND NOT Buy AND C < SL, True, False);
SLHit = ExRem(SLHit, Buy);
if(TgtReached[BarCount - 1]) NextTgt[BarCount - 1] = 2 * H[BarCount -1] - SL[BarCount - 1];
if(Status("action") == actionIndicator)
		Ttl = EncodeColor(colorTurquoise) + "Single MA system, AFL by ANANT NAVALE" + "\n"
			+ WriteIf(Buy, EncodeColor(colorGreen) + "Buy Triggered Today, Buy this stock Tomorrow.","") 
			+ WriteIf(Sell, EncodeColor(colorRed) + "Sell Triggered Today, Sell This stock Tomorrow.", "")
			+  EncodeColor(colorTan) + WriteIf(Bought AND NOT Buy, "Bought @ " + BuyPrice + ". "
			+ "Target Price = " + NextTgt + ", Stop Loss = " + SL + ".\n"
			+ WriteIf(TgtReached, "Target Reached. Next Target = " + Ref(NextTgt, 1) + ".\n", "")
			+ EncodeColor(colorGold) + "Profit / Loss so far = " + Prec(100 * (C - BuyPrice) / BuyPrice, 2) + "%", "")
			+ WriteIf(Sold AND NOT Sell, "Sold @ " + SellPrice + "\nProfit / Loss in Previous Trade = " + Prec(100 * (SellPrice - BuyPrice) / BuyPrice, 2) + "%", "");

		_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} ({{INTERVAL}}), {{DATE}} ; {{OHLCX}}, V=%1.0f\n {{VALUES}}\n\n", V) + Ttl);
		ChartStyle = ParamStyle("Chart Type", styleBar, maskAll);

		PlotOHLC(O, H, L, C, "", colorLightGrey, ChartStyle);
		Plot(A, Type + "(" + P +")", colorYellow, styleLine | styleThick);
		Plot(IIf(Bought, NextTgt, Null), "Target", colorBlueGrey, styleLine);
		Plot(SL, "Trail SL", colorTeal, styleLine); 
		PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorGreen, 0, L, Offset=-20);
		PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorLime, 0,L, Offset=-30); 
		PlotShapes(IIf(Buy, shapeUpArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,L, Offset=-25); 
		PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorRed, 0, H, Offset=20);
		PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeSquare, shapeNone),colorOrange, 0,H, Offset=30); 
		PlotShapes(IIf(Sell, shapeDownArrow, shapeNone),colorWhite, 0,H, Offset=-25);
		if(BBOption) Plot(BBtop, "BB-Top", colorPink, styleLine);
		if(BBOption) Plot(BBBot, "BB-Bot", colorPink, styleLine);

if((Status("action") == actionExplore) AND Report == "Triggers")
		Filter = Buy OR Sell;

		SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True);

		AddTextColumn(Name(), "Symbol", 77, colorDefault, colorDefault, 120);
		AddColumn(DateTime(), "Trigger Date", formatDateTime);
		AddColumn(IIf(Buy, 66, 83), "Signal", formatChar, colorYellow, IIf(Buy, colorGreen, colorRed));
		AddColumn(C, "C. M. P.", 6.2);
		AddColumn(IIf(Buy OR Bought, NextTgt, Null),  "Target", 6.2);
		AddColumn(IIf(Buy OR Bought, SL, Null), "StopLoss", 6.2);
if((Status("action") == actionExplore) AND Report == "Update")
		Filter = True;
		SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True);

		AddColumn(DateTime(), "Updated On", formatDateTime, colorDefault, colorDefault, 96);
		AddTextColumn(Name(), "Symbol", 77, colorDefault, colorDefault, 120);
		AddColumn(BuyDate, "Buy Date", formatDateTime, colorDefault, colorDefault, 96);
		AddColumn(BuyPrice, "Buy Price", 6.2);
		AddColumn(NextTgt, "Target", 6.2);
		AddColumn(SL, "StopLoss", 6.2);
		AddColumn(C, "CMP", 6.2, colorDefault, colorDefault, 96);
if((Status("action") == actionExplore) AND Report == "Tgt-SL")
		Filter = TgtReached OR SLHit;
		SetOption("NoDefaultColumns", True);

		AddColumn(DateTime(), "Updated On", formatDateTime, colorDefault, colorDefault, 96);
		AddTextColumn(Name(), "Symbol", 77, colorDefault, colorDefault, 120);
		AddColumn(BuyDate, "Buy Date", formatDateTime, colorDefault, colorDefault, 96);
		AddColumn(BuyPrice, "Buy Price", 6.2);
		AddColumn(NextTgt, "Target", 6.2);
		AddColumn(SL, "StopLoss", 6.2);
		AddColumn(C, "CMP", 6.2, colorDefault, colorDefault, 96);
		AddColumn(IIf(TgtReached, 89, 32), "Tgt Hit?", formatChar, colorYellow, IIf(TgtReached, colorGreen, colorDefault));
		AddColumn(IIf(TgtReached, 2 * H - SL,  Null), "Next Tgt", 1.2);
 		AddColumn(IIf(SLHit, 89, 32), "SL-Hit", formatChar, colorYellow, IIf(SLHit, colorRed, colorDefault));


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