

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Marsi Profile

The Marsi Profile AFL in Amibroker focuses on analyzing market trends using the Marsi indicator within a profile view. Utilizing amibroker data feed  capabilities allows traders to assess market trends and potential reversals more comprehensively. This AFL aids traders in understanding price movements and identifying significant market shifts based on the Marsi Profile analysis.

MP = Param(" Period",13,3,100,1);
RP = Param("RSI",14,3,20,1);
UL= Param("Upper Limit",70,0,100,1);
LL= Param("Lower Limit",30,0,100,1);
R= RSIa( MA(C,MP), RP);
Plot(R, "RSI OF MA",  colorBlue, styleLine);

PlotOHLC( R,R,50,R, "", IIf( R > 50, colorLightOrange , colorSkyblue ), styleCloud | styleClipMinMax, LL, UL ); 


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