

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Manual Stop Set

The Manual Stop Set AFL in Amibroker allows traders to manually set stop-loss levels for their trades. Utilizing amibroker data feed  capabilities, traders can execute precise risk management by defining stop-loss levels based on their trading strategies and risk tolerance. This AFL empowers traders to make informed decisions regarding their trade exits by customizing stop-loss levels according to market conditions and analysis.

_SECTION_BEGIN("ManualStopSet V3.02");
// Manual Stop Set V3.02
// Created		15/8/06
// Modified	29/9/06
// Author		OzFalcon (Michael.S.G.)
// Purpose		Manualy Enter & Track Trades
// Type		Indicator
// Notes		Use Parameters (CTRL-R) to Set & Save
// Notes		(Buybar is set with Currently Selected Bar)

// Initialize AFL
 // Data Path
 _N(DataPath = "BPTMSS-Data\\");

 // Define Required Global Variables
 global TrailBarStart,PeakValue,TrailStopValue,EvenStopPS,ProfitStopPS,MaxLossPS;
 global TurnOver,TitleS,Qty,LeftoverCash,MarketValue,ReturnedCapital,RawCashGain;
 global CashReturned,StockGain,RequiredGain,EvenStop,TrailPercent,Title_1,Title_2;
 global DBUY,TBUY,DSELL,TSELL,AlertByte,IDList;

 // Set Core Global Variables
 SetChartBkColor(47); // LightGrey
 _N(VersionStr="ManualStopSet V3.02");
 SetBarsRequired(100000, 100000 );
 BC = BarCount-1;
 BNUM = BarIndex();
 DNUM = DateNum();
 TNUM = TimeNum();
 SelectedBar = SelectedValue(BNUM);
 AlertByte = 2; Title_1=""; Title_2="";Tally=0;

 // Load ID-List (Trade Lists)
 // Make sure directory exists.
 // Load ID-List.
 IDList=""; // Ensure IDList is defined as a string. (If file not exist 1st run).
 _N(IDListFile = DataPath + "ID-List");
 fh = fopen( IDListFile, "r"); 
	if( fh ) 
		{// If exist, Get list.
		IDList = fgets(fh);
		fclose( fh );
		IDList=","; // If not exist, Write File when we create a trade.

 // Determin EOD(0) or IntraDay(1) mode
 TimeFrame = Interval();
 EODRT = IIf(TimeFrame>=inDaily,0,1);

 // Set Parameters
 // MSS Param
 TradeType = ParamToggle( "A1.Long/Short", "Long|Short",0);
 HoldingsAdj = Param("A2.HoldingsAdj",0,-100,100,1); //Adj Calc Holdings
 ProfitStop = Param("A3.ProfitStop",10,0,100,0.01); //Percentage of Cash
 LossStop = Param("A4.LossStop",5,0,100,0.01); //Percentage of Cash
 TrailStop = Param("A5.TrailStop",2,0,100,0.01); //Percentage of HH/LL
 Capital = Param("A6.Capital",5000,0,100000,0.01);
 CommisionX1 = Param("A6.CommisionX1",27.95,0,50,0.01);
 MultiTrade = Param("A7.MultiTrade",0,0,10,1); //View/Set Calcs for specific Multi Trade
 BuyAt = Param("X1.BuyAt",0,0,100,0.01);
 SellAtP = Param("Y1.SellAt",0,0,100,0.01);
 CreateTrade = ParamTrigger("Create Trade","");
 RemoveTrade = ParamTrigger("Modify Trade","");
 CloseTrade  = ParamTrigger("Modify Trade","");
 OpenTrade   = ParamTrigger("Modify Trade","");
 // CLA Param
 DisplayPlot = ParamToggle("DisplayPlot","Single|Multi",0);
 TitleStyleT = ParamList("DisplayText","Detail/Tally|Tally|Detail|None");
 TitleSlide  = Param("TitleSlide",0,0,30,1);

 // Set Default BuyBar & BuyAt etc
 BuyBar = SelectedBar; SellBar=BC;
 if (SellAt == 0) SellAt=C[SellBar];
 if (BuyAt == 0) BuyAt=O[BuyBar];

// End of Initialize
// Define Procedures/Functions
procedure RemoveEntry(RemSym)
	// Remove entry from IDList
	NewIDList = "";
	for( i = 0; ( sym = StrExtract( IDList, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
		if (sym != RemSym) {NewIDList = NewIDList + sym + ",";}
	IDList = NewIDList+",";

	fh = fopen( IDListFile, "w"); 
	if( fh ) 
		fputs( IDList , fh );
		fclose( fh );

procedure AddEntry(AddSym)
	// Add entry to IDList
	IDList = AddSym + "," + IDList;
	fh = fopen( IDListFile, "w"); 
	if( fh ) 
		fputs( IDList , fh );
		fclose( fh );

procedure DoCalculation(Sym)
 // All variables should be global
// printf("Calculating: "+Sym+"\n"); 
 Turnover = (C*V); //For Display
// Manual Flip (If Sell Selected before buy)
// Mabie should also flip SellAt open/close. 
if (SellBar < BuyBar)
		BuyBar1 = BuyBar;BuyBar=SellBar;SellBar=BuyBar1;
		BuyAt1 = BuyAt;BuyAt=SellAt;SellAt=BuyAt1;

 // Calc Holding Stats
 Avail = Capital-CommisionX1;
 Qty = (int(Avail/BuyAt))+HoldingsAdj;  

 BuyValue = Qty*BuyAt;
 MarketValue = Qty*SellAt;
 RawCashGain = ((Qty*SellAt)-(Qty*BuyAt))*((TradeType*-2)+1); //LongShortFlip
 CashReturned = (RawCashGain-(CommisionX1*2));
 LeftoverCash = Capital-(BuyValue)-CommisionX1;
 ReturnedCapital = Capital + CashReturned;
 StockGain = ((CashReturned/Capital))*100; // Total Percent Gained

 //Long/Short Program Branch
 if (TradeType)	
		{ //Short
		//Calc Trail Stop
		Trail_Ref = BC - SellBar;
		Range_Ref = SellBar - BuyBar+1;
		PeakValue = LastValue(Ref(LLV(L,Range_Ref),-Trail_Ref));
		Peak_Ref  = LastValue(Ref(LLVBars(L,Range_Ref),-Trail_Ref));
		TrailBarStart = SellBar-Peak_Ref;
		TrailStopValue = PeakValue + (PeakValue * (TrailStop/100));
		TrailPercent = ((Close[SellBar]/PeakValue)*100)-100;
		// Calc Even Stop 
		EvenStopValue = (Qty*BuyAt) - CommisionX1;
		EvenStopPS = EvenStopValue/Qty;
		EvenStop = ((EvenStopPS/BuyAt)*100)-100;
		// Calc Profit Stop
		ProfitStopCalc = Capital*(ProfitStop/100);
		ProfitStopValue = Capital - ProfitStopCalc - CommisionX1;
		ProfitStopPS = ProfitStopValue/Qty;
		RequiredGain = ((ProfitStopPS/BuyAt)*100)-100;
		// Calc Loss Stop
		MaxLossCalc = Capital*(LossStop/100);
		MaxLossValue = Capital + MaxLossCalc - CommisionX1;
		MaxLossPS = MaxLossValue/Qty;
		{ //Long
		//Calc Trail Stop
		Trail_Ref = BC - SellBar;
		Range_Ref = SellBar - BuyBar+1;
		PeakValue = LastValue(Ref(HHV(H,Range_Ref),-Trail_Ref));
		Peak_Ref  = LastValue(Ref(HHVBars(H,Range_Ref),-Trail_Ref));
		TrailBarStart = SellBar-Peak_Ref;
		TrailStopValue = PeakValue - (PeakValue * (TrailStop/100));
		TrailPercent = 100-((Close[SellBar]/PeakValue)*100);
		// Calc Even Stop 
		EvenStopValue = (Qty*BuyAt) + CommisionX1;
		EvenStopPS = EvenStopValue/Qty;
		EvenStop = ((EvenStopPS/Buyat)*100)-100;
		// Calc Profit Stop
		ProfitStopCalc = Capital*(ProfitStop/100);
		ProfitStopValue = Capital + ProfitStopCalc + CommisionX1;
		ProfitStopPS = ProfitStopValue/Qty;
		RequiredGain = ((ProfitStopPS/BuyAt)*100)-100;
		// Calc Loss Stop
		MaxLossCalc = Capital*(LossStop/100);
		MaxLossValue = Capital - MaxLossCalc + CommisionX1;
		MaxLossPS = MaxLossValue/Qty;
}// End DoCalculation

procedure DisplayPlots(Sym)
 // Plot Vertical Buy Bar. (Blue)
 // VLine = IIf(BuyBar==BNUM,1,0);
 // Plot (VLine ,"BuyBar", colorBlue, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale,0,1);
 // Plot Vertical Sell Bar. (Blue)
 // VLine = IIf(SellBar==BNUM,1,0);
 // Plot (VLine ,"BuyBar", colorBlue, styleHistogram | styleOwnScale,0,1);

 // Plot Horizontal Buy Bar. (Yellow)
 x0 = Buybar ; y0 = BuyAt;
 x1 = SellBar ; y1 = y0;
 Hline = LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0);
	Plot(HLine ,"BuyPrice",colorYellow,styleLine);

 // Plot Trade Trend (BuyBar to SellBar/SellAT - Blue Dashed Line)
 x0 = Buybar ; y0 = BuyAt;
 x1 = Sellbar ; y1 = SellAt;
// y1 = C[Sellbar];
 Hline = LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0);
	Plot(HLine ,"TradeTrend",colorLightBlue,styleDots);

 // Plot Long/Short Trail Stop Trend
 x0 = TrailBarStart; y0=PeakValue;
 x1 = SellBar; y1 = C[SellBar];
 Line = IIf((X1 > X0),LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0),LineArray(x1,y1,x0,y0,0) ); //Reverse

 // Plot TrailStop Horizontal (ColorViolet)
 x0 = Buybar  ; y0 = TrailStopValue;
 x1 = SellBar ; y1=y0;
 Hline = LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0);
	Plot(HLine ,"LossStop",colorViolet,styleLine);

 // Plot BreakEven Horizontal (ColorGreen)
 x0 = Buybar  ; y0 = EvenStopPS;
 x1 = SellBar ; y1=y0;
 Hline = LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0);
	Plot(HLine ,"EvenStop",colorGreen,styleLine);

 // Plot ProfitStop Horizontal (ColorWhite)
 x0 = Buybar  ; y0 = ProfitStopPS ;
 x1 = SellBar ; y1=y0;
 Hline = LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0);
	Plot(HLine ,"ProfitStop",colorWhite,styleLine);

 // Plot LossStop Horizontal (ColorRed)
 x0 = Buybar  ; y0 = MaxLossPS;
 x1 = SellBar ; y1=y0;
 Hline = LineArray(x0,y0,x1,y1,0);
	Plot(HLine ,"LossStop",colorRed,styleLine);

}// End DisplayPlots

procedure CreateTitleDetail(Sym)
// Create Title Detail
_N(BuyDate = StrFormat("%.0f",DNUM[BuyBar]));_N(BuyTime = StrFormat("%.0f",TNUM[BuyBar]));
_N(SellDate = StrFormat("%.0f",DNUM[SellBar]));_N(SellTime = StrFormat("%.0f",TNUM[SellBar]));
_N(Title_1 = ""+
" TimeInterval: " + Interval() + ", TimeFrame: " + WriteIf(EODRT,"IntraDay","EndOfDay") +
"\n\\c01 FS: " + TitleS + ",\\c29 TradeType: " + WriteIf(TradeType,"Short","Long") +
"/" + WriteIf(TimeFrame>=inDaily,"EndOfDay","IntraDay") +
"\n\\c29 BuyBar: \\c31"+ BuyBar+"\\c29  BuyDT: \\c31"+ BuyDate +"/" + BuyTime +
"\n\\c29 SellBar: \\c31"+ SellBar+"\\c29  SellDT: \\c31"+ SellDate + "/" + SellTime +
"\n\\c38 Capital \\c01"+Capital+"\\c38 CommisionX1 \\c01"+CommisionX1+
"\n\\c38 BuyAt \\c01"+BuyAt+"\\c38 SellAt \\c01"+SellAt+"\\c38 Qty \\c01"+Qty+ 
"\n\\c38 LeftoverCash  \\c01$"+LeftoverCash+
"\n\\c38 RawMarketValue \\c01$"+MarketValue+ 
"\n\\c38 ReturnedCapital \\c01$"+ReturnedCapital+
// "\n\\c38 RawCashGain \\c01$"+RawCashGain+
"\n \\c38 CashReturned \\c01$"+ CashReturned +
"\n\\c38 CapitalGain \\c01 "+StockGain+"%"+
"\n\\c38 RequiredGain \\c01 "+RequiredGain+"%"+ 
"\n\\c27 EvenStop  :" + Prec(EvenStop,4) + "%, $" + EvenStopPS +
"\n\\c02 ProfitStop:" + ProfitStop + "%, $" + ProfitStopPS +
"\n\\c31 LossStop  :" + LossStop + "%, $" + MaxLossPS +
"\n\\c29 TrailStop :\\c01" + TrailStop + "%, $" + TrailStopValue +
"\n\\c29 TrailVariance :\\c01" +TrailPercent + "% "+
}// End CreateTitle

procedure LoadID(FileName)
{// Load ID
printf("loading: '"+FileName+"'\n");
fh = fopen( FileName, "r"); 
if( fh ) 
	{// File open for read
	TradeType	= StrToNum(fgets( fh )); 
	TimeFrame	= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));  
	DBUY		= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));  
	TBUY		= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	DSELL		= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));  
	TSELL		= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));      
	BuyAt		= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	SellAt		= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	HoldingsAdj	= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	ProfitStop	= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	LossStop	= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	TrailStop	= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	Capital	= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	CommisionX1= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	AlertByte	= StrToNum(fgets( fh ));
	fclose( fh );
	}// End file open for read 
	{// File not found 
	printf("File Not Found\n");
	}// End file not found
}// End Load ID

procedure SaveID(FileName)
{// Write ID
printf("saving: '"+FileName+"'\n");
fh = fopen( FileName, "w"); 
if( fh ) 
	{// File open for write 
	fputs( StrFormat("%.00f\n",TradeType ), fh );
	fputs( StrFormat("%.00f\n",TimeFrame ), fh );
	fputs( StrFormat("%.00f\n",DBUY ), fh ); 
	fputs( StrFormat("%.00f\n",TBUY ), fh ); 
	fputs( StrFormat("%.00f\n",DSELL ), fh ); 
	fputs( StrFormat("%.00f\n",TSELL ), fh ); 
	fputs( StrFormat("%.02f\n",BuyAt ), fh );
	fputs( StrFormat("%.02f\n",SellAt ), fh );
	fputs( StrFormat("%.02f\n",HoldingsAdj ), fh ); 
	fputs( StrFormat("%.02f\n",ProfitStop ), fh ); 
	fputs( StrFormat("%.02f\n",LossStop ), fh ); 
	fputs( StrFormat("%.02f\n",TrailStop ), fh );  
	fputs( StrFormat("%.02f\n",Capital ), fh );  
	fputs( StrFormat("%.02f\n",CommisionX1 ), fh );
	fputs( StrFormat("%.00f\n",AlertByte ), fh ); 
	fclose( fh );
	TitleS = "SaveFile";
	}// End File open for write
}// End WriteID
// End Define Procedures/Functions

// Start core section.
if (OpenTrade == 1)
	{// Open trade.
	AlertIf( 1, "", "Open trade", 0,3 );
	IDName = Name()+"-"+MultiTrade;
	TrailName = DataPath + IDName;
	}// End Open trade

if (CloseTrade == 1)
	{// Close trade.
	AlertIf( 1, "", "Close trade", 0,3 );
	IDName = Name()+"-"+MultiTrade;
	TrailName = DataPath + IDName;
	DSELL = DNUM[SelectedBar];TSELL = TNUM[SelectedBar];
	if (SellAtP != 0) {SellAt=SellAtP;} 
	}// End Close trade

if (RemoveTrade == 1)
	{// Remove Entry
	AlertIf( 1, "", "Remove trade", 0,3 );
	IDName = Name()+"-"+MultiTrade;
	}// End Remove Entry	

if (CreateTrade == 1)
	{// Write Data
	AlertIf( 1, "", "Write trade", 0,3 );
	// Set name & add to master index
	IDName = Name()+"-"+MultiTrade;
	TrailName = DataPath + IDName;
	// Write data to file
	DBUY = DNUM[BuyBar];	TBUY = TNUM[BuyBar];
	DSELL = 0; TSELL = 0; SellAT = 0;
	}// End Write data

// Calc & Display
	IDName = Name()+"-"+MultiTrade;
	printf("Current: "+IDName+"\n\n");

	// Create Title Tally Header.
	Title_H1 = "\\c01  ID   PROFIT EVEN  LOSS  TRAIL   CASH     CASH\n";
	Title_H2 = "SYMBOL  STOP  STOP  STOP  STOP    GAIN$    GAIN%\n";
	Title_2 = Title_H1+Title_H2;

	if (DisplayPlot == 0)
		{// DisplayPlot
		// Plot Price & Volume.
		Color = IIf(O > C, colorBlack, colorLightYellow);
		Plot( Close, "Price", color, styleCandle );
		PlotForeign( GetBaseIndex(), GetBaseIndex(), colorAqua,  styleLine | styleOwnScale); 
		Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), colorBlueGrey , styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick  );

		if (StrFind(IDList,Name()) == 0)
			{// Symbol not found in IDList, use selected.
			}// End Symbol not found
			{// Symbol found in IDList. 
			if (StrFind(IDList,IDName) == 0)
				{// Exact symbol not found in IDList, use selected.
				}// End Exact symbol not found
			}// End Symbol found
		}// End DisplayPlot

	for( i = 0; ( sym = StrExtract( IDList, i ) ) != ""; i++ )
		{// Loop
		TrailName = DataPath + sym;
		symleft = StrLeft(sym, StrFind(sym,"-")-1); CurrentSym = Name();				
//		printf("SymLeft: "+symleft+" Current: "+CurrentSym+"\n\n");

		// Set Ticker/Trade Environment.
		// Load & Do Calculation

		TimeFrameSet(TimeFrame); // after load 

		BuyBar = LastValue(Cum(DNUM= ProfitStopPS ,True,False);
		EvenStopFlag = IIf( C[SellBar] >= EvenStopPS,True,False);
		LossStopFlag = IIf( C[SellBar] <= MaxLossPS,True,False);
		TrailStopFlag = IIf(TrailPercent >= TrailStop,True,False);

		// Generate Alerts Strings for Display
		PSD = WriteIf(ProfitStopFlag,"\\c15ALERT ","\\c01 OK   ");
		ESD = WriteIf(EvenStopFlag,"\\c15ALERT ","\\c01 OK   ");
		LSD = WriteIf(LossStopFlag,"\\c15ALERT ","\\c01 OK   ");
		TSD = WriteIf(TrailStopFlag,"\\c15ALERT ","\\c01 OK   ");

		// Create Title Tally Strings
		ListAlerts =  PSD + ESD + LSD + TSD; Tally = Tally + CashReturned;
		Title_2 = Title_2 + " \\c29" + sym + "  " + ListAlerts + 
		"\\c29$" + StrFormat("%08.2f",CashReturned) + " \\c27" + StrFormat("%+06.2f",StockGain) + "%\n";

		if (sym == IDName)
				{// Exact match, Create title.
				}// End Exact match

		// Select Plot Display
		if (DisplayPlot == 1) 	{Plot(C,"Close:"+symleft,i+16,styleLine | styleOwnScale);}
		if ((DisplayPlot == 0) AND (symleft == CurrentSym)) {DisplayPlots(sym);}

		// Cleanup
		}// End loop
// End of Calc & Display

// Dynamic Title
TSpace = "";
for( i = 0; i

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