

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

MACD HLC by Trading

MACD HLC AFL by Trading in Amibroker focuses on the relationship between MACD and High-Low-Close (HLC) data. By incorporating HLC information, it provides a more comprehensive view of price movements and MACD signals, aiding traders in making well-rounded decisions.

_SECTION_BEGIN("macd HLCby3");

pivot = (H +L+C)/3;  
piv1 = EMA (pivot,Param("short ema",5,1,20,1));
piv2 = EMA (pivot,Param("med ema",12,1,20,1));
piv3 = EMA (pivot,Param("fast ema",34,1,50,1));

diff1 = piv2-piv3 ;
diff2 = piv1-piv2 ;
diff3 = piv1-piv3 ;

diff1_col = IIf (diff1 > Ref(diff1,-1),colorAqua,colorOrange);
diff2_col = IIf (diff2 > Ref(diff2,-1),colorAqua,colorOrange);
diff3_col = IIf (diff3 > Ref(diff3,-1),colorAqua,colorOrange);

//Plot(diff1, "diff1", diff1_col, styleThick);
//Plot(diff2, "diff2", diff2_col, styleThick);
Plot (diff3, "diff3", diff3_col, styleThick); 
BBtopcol = IIf (BBandTop( diff3, 5, 0.5 ) > Ref(BBandTop( diff3, 5, 0.5 ),-1),colorAqua,colorOrange);
BBbotcol = IIf (BBandBot( diff3, 5, 0.5 ) > Ref(BBandBot( diff3, 5, 0.5 ),-1),colorAqua,colorOrange);
Plot( BBandTop( diff3, 5, 0.5 ), "BBTop", BBtopcol, styleDashed ); 
Plot( BBandBot( diff3, 5, 0.5 ), "BBBot", BBbotcol, styleDashed ); 

//Plot( EMA( DIFF3, 9 ),"signal", colorWhite, styleThick ); 

Plot(3, "ribbon", diff3_col, styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);


_SECTION_BEGIN("macd rsi");
EMA3 = EMA(RSI(14),3);
ema27 = EMA(RSI(14),27);  

diff = ema3-EMA27;
ema_short = EMA(diff,Param("short ema",1,1,20,1));
EMA_Long = EMA(diff,Param("long ema",5,1,20,1));

Col_rsi = IIf (EMA_long > Ref(EMA_long,-1),colorBlue,colorRed);
Plot (EMA_short,"diff in rsi1",colorYellow,styleThick);
Plot (EMA_long,"diff in rsi5",Col_rsi,styleThick);
Plot (0,"",colorWhite,styleThick);

Buy = Cross (EMA_short,EMA_long);
Sell = Cross (EMA_long, EMA_short);
Short = Sell;
Cover = Buy;

//PlotShapes (shapeHollowSmallUpTriangle*Buy,colorYellow);
//PlotShapes (shapeHollowSmallDownTriangle*Sell,colorYellow);
Plot(10, "ribbon", Col_rsi, styleOwnScale| styleArea|styleNoLabel,-0.5,100);


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