

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM


The MACD BB Adv AFL employs Bollinger Bands alongside the MACD indicator. Integrated with amibroker data feed, it enhances MACD analysis by incorporating Bollinger Bands, offering traders a more comprehensive view of potential price movements and volatility.

  Created by Kelvinhand

global g_m, g_s;

SetChartBkGradientFill( ParamColor("BgTop", colorBlack),ParamColor("BgBottom", colorBlack), colorLightGrey); 

ShowMACDLine = ParamToggle("Show MACD Line?", "No|Yes");
ShowBB = ParamToggle("Show MACD-BB?", "No|Yes", 1);
ShowStdDev = ParamToggle("Show MA For StdDev?", "No|Yes", 1);

sShapeBtwBB = ParamList("Shape between BB", "Small|Big", 1);

cMacdLine=ParamColor("MACD Line", colorOrange);
cUprBB = ParamColor("UpperBand", colorBlueGrey);
cLwrBB = ParamColor("LowerBand", colorBlueGrey);

cMacdGeUprBB = ParamColor("MacdGeUprBB", colorBrightGreen);
cMacdLeLwrBB = ParamColor("MacdLeLwrBB", ColorRGB(255,0,255));

cMacdLtUprBB = ParamColor("MacdLtUprBB", colorRed);
cMacdGtLwrBB = ParamColor("MacdGtLwrBB", colorDarkGreen);

cZLUp = ParamColor("Above Zeroline", ColorRGB(0,0,140));
cZLDn = ParamColor("Below Zeroline", ColorRGB(130,0,0));


r1 = Param("Fast MA Period", 12);
r2 = Param("Slow MA Period", 26);
//r3 = Param("Signal Period", 9);

r4 = Param("StdDev Period",  10);
SDCnt = Param("StdDev", 1.0, 1,10, 0.1);

MAforStdDev = ParamList("MA for StdDev", "SMA|EMA");


g_m= EMA(C,r1)-EMA(C,r2); 
m1 = Ref(g_m, -1);

if (MAforStdDev=="EMA")
  g_s = EMA(g_m,r4);
  g_s = MA(g_m,r4);

SD = StDev( g_m, r4); 

BBtop= g_s + SDCnt*sD; 
BBbot= g_s - SDCnt*sD; 

if (ShowMACDLine) Plot(g_m,"",cMacdLine);

if (ShowBB) 
 ThisColor = IIf(g_m>=BBtop AND g_m>=m1, cMacdGeUprBB, 
        IIf(g_m<=BBbot AND g_m<=m1, cMacdLeLwrBB, 
        IIf(g_m>g_s, cMacdLtUprBB, cMacdGtLwrBB))); 

Plot(g_m,"MACD", ThisColor,styleDots|styleNoLine);

if (sShapeBtwBB=="Big")
ThisShape = IIf(g_m>BBtop, shapeNone, 
            IIf(g_m=0, colorBlue, colorRed), styleNoLabel);

RequestTimedRefresh( 0 ); 

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