

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

M15 Candle

The M15 Candle AFL, combined with an AmiBroker data feed, specializes in analyzing 15-minute candlestick charts. This AFL is particularly valuable for intraday traders, offering insights into short-term price movements. By utilizing real-time data feeds, traders can accurately assess market fluctuations within these shorter timeframes, aiding in timely decision-making for quick trades.

// property copyright "90%Success Rate M15"
// property link      "90%Success Rate M15"

_d0 = "90%Success Rate M15";
MagicNumber = 8625;
Slippage = 3;
EmailTrades = False;
gi_96 = 85;
gi_100 = 30;
gi_104 = 15;
Lots = 0.1;
_d3 = "Money Managment Risk (0 = off... Raising it will multiply the lot size)";
Risk = 0.1;
gs_unused_132 = "Starategy Parameters";
EMA_period_140 = 10;
EMA_period_144 = 25;
EMA_period_148 = 40;
gi_152 = 4;
SAR_accel = 0.02;
SAR_max = 0.2;
gi_236 = -1;
g_time_240 = 0;
g_time_244 = 0;

EMA_140 = EMA( C, EMA_period_140 );
EMA_144 = EMA( C, EMA_period_144 );
EMA_148 = EMA( C, EMA_period_148 );
SAR_VALUE = Ref(SAR(SAR_accel, SAR_max),-1);

function EMACross(InVal) 
	Condn11 = IIf( ( Ref( EMA_140, -1 ) * InVal ) >= ( Ref( EMA_144, -1 ) * InVal ) AND ( Ref( EMA_140, -2 ) * InVal ) <= ( Ref( EMA_144, -2 ) * InVal ), 1, 0 );
	for ( l_index_4 = 1; l_index_4 < gi_152; l_index_4++)
			Condn12 = 0 ;
			Condn1Var = IIf ( ( Ref( EMA_140, -l_index_4 ) * InVal ) >= ( Ref( EMA_148, -l_index_4 ) * InVal ) AND 
					( Ref( EMA_140, -(l_index_4 + 1) ) * InVal ) <= ( Ref( EMA_148, -(l_index_4 + 1) ) * InVal ), 1, 0 ) ;
			Condn12 = Condn12 + Condn1Var ; 
	Condn21 =	IIf ( ( Ref( EMA_140, -1 ) * InVal ) >= ( Ref( EMA_148, -1 ) * InVal ) AND ( Ref( EMA_140, -2 ) * InVal ) <= ( Ref( EMA_148, -2 ) * InVal ), 1, 0 ) ;
	for ( l_index_4 = 1; l_index_4 < gi_152; l_index_4++ )
			Condn22 = 0 ;
			Condn2Var = IIf ( ( Ref( EMA_140, -l_index_4 ) * InVal ) >= ( Ref( EMA_144, -l_index_4 ) * InVal ) AND 
					( Ref( EMA_140, -(l_index_4 + 1) ) * InVal ) <= ( Ref( EMA_144, -(l_index_4 + 1) ) * InVal ), 1, 0 ) ;
			Condn22 = Condn22 + Condn2Var ; 
	return IIf( ( Condn11 AND COndn12 ) OR ( Condn21 AND Condn22) , 1, 0 );

openBuyRule=IIf( SAR_VALUE < C AND EMACross(1), 1, 0 );

openSellRule=IIf( SAR_VALUE > C AND EMACross(-1), 1, 0 );

closeBuyRule=IIf( C < EMA_140[0] AND C < EMA_144[0] AND C < EMA_148[0], 1, 0 );

closeSellRule=IIf( C > EMA_140[0] AND C > EMA_144[0] AND C > EMA_148[0], 1, 0 );

MoreBars = IIf( BarCount > 100, 1, 0);

Buy = openBuyRule AND MoreBars;
Sell = closeBuyRule AND MoreBars;
Short = openSellRule AND MoreBars;
Cover = closeSellRule AND MoreBars;

shape = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow;
PlotShapes(shape, IIf(Buy,colorBrightGreen,colorRed), 0, IIf(Buy,Low,High));

_N(Title = "90%Success Rate M15 || " + StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) Vol " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +" {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));
Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorBlack ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 
Plot(EMA_140, "EMA ("+EMA_period_140+")", colorDarkRed, styleLine| styleOwnScale);
Plot(EMA_144, "EMA ("+EMA_period_144+")", colorDarkBlue, styleLine| styleOwnScale);
Plot(EMA_148, "EMA ("+EMA_period_148+")", colorDarkGreen, styleLine| styleOwnScale);
if( ParamToggle("Tooltip shows", "All Values|Only Prices" ) )
 ToolTip=StrFormat("Open: %g\nHigh:  %g\nLow:   %g\nClose:  %g (%.1f%%)\nVolume: "+NumToStr( V, 1 ), O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )));

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