

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM


Lag_Reduced_Herman AFL likely aims to reduce lag in trading indicators or strategies for more responsive analysis. Leveraging AmiBroker AFL, it facilitates quicker and potentially more accurate assessments of market movements.

function T3( Price, T3Periods, s ) 
    e1	= AMA( Price, 2 / ( T3Periods + 1 ) );
    e2	= AMA( e1, 2 / ( T3Periods + 1 ) );
    e3	= AMA( e2, 2 / ( T3Periods + 1 ) );
    e4	= AMA( e3, 2 / ( T3Periods + 1 ) );
    e5	= AMA( e4, 2 / ( T3Periods + 1 ) );
    e6	= AMA( e5, 2 / ( T3Periods + 1 ) );
    C1 = -s ^ 3;
    C2 = 3 * s ^ 2 * ( 1 + s );
    C3 = -3 * s * ( s + 1 ) ^ 2;
    C4 = ( 1 + s ) ^ 3;
    T3Result = c1 * e6 + c2 * e5 + c3 * e4 + c4 * e3;
    return Nz( T3Result );
function ReduceLag( Indicator, RLFactor )
    return ( Indicator / Ref( Indicator, -1 ) ) ^ RLFactor*Indicator;
LRFactor 		= Param( "Lag-Reducing Factor", 1.7, 0, 10, 0.1 );
Periods 		= Param( "T3 Periods", 5, 1, 10, 1 );
Sensitivity		= Param( "T3 Sensitivity 1", 0.7, 0, 3, 0.03 );
I1 = T3( O, Periods, Sensitivity );
I2 = Reducelag( I1, LRFactor );
Plot( C, "Close", 64, 128 );
Plot( I1, "\nBasic T3", 2, 1 );
Plot( I2, "\nLag-Reduced T3", 8, 1 | styleNoRescale );

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