

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Kase Peak Oscillator Clone V2

This AFL, when used in conjunction with an Amibroker data feed, analyzes market momentum and trend strength. It employs an oscillator to identify potential reversals or continuation patterns, aiding traders in making timely decisions.

//* code start */

Definition of 3 different standard deviation measurements.
SD_pop is the population or biased version, similar to AFL StDev.
SD_sam is the sample or non-biased version which Kase describes in
her book and assumedly uses in her indicators.
SD_nnc is the non-centered version in which not the distances
between the values and the mean are squared but instead the values
themselves. Though not formally a standard deviation it appears used
by traders especially for measuring short-term volatility in strong

function SD_pop(input,n)
{ return sqrt( (n*Sum(input^2,n)-(Sum(input,n))^2) / n^2 ); }

function SD_sam(input,n)
{ return sqrt( (n*Sum(input^2,n)-(Sum(input,n))^2) / (n^2-n) ); }

function SD_nnc(input,n)
{ return sqrt( Sum(input^2,n) / n ); }

/* Set your preferred standard deviation measurement SD */
//function SD(input,n) { return SD_pop(input,n); }
function SD(input,n) { return SD_sam(input,n); }
//function SD(input,n) { return SD_nnc(input,n); }

/* Set minimum and maximum lookbacks */
minLB = 8;
maxLB = 65;

/* Set percentiles for PeakOut lines using numbers between 1 and 99
PCcycl = 98;
PChist = 90;

/* Definition of Kase PeakOscillator KPO */

function Kup(n)
{ return log(H/Ref(L,-n)); }

function Kdn(n)
{ return log(Ref(H,-n)/L); }

function Kvol(n)
{ return SD(log(Ref(C,-1)/C), n); }

function KSDIup(n)
{ return Kup(n)/(Kvol(n)*sqrt(n)); }

function KSDIdn(n)
{ return Kdn(n)/(Kvol(n)*sqrt(n)); }

maxKSDIup = 0;
for (i=minLB;i<=maxLB;i++)
{ maxKSDIup = IIf(KSDIup(i)>maxKSDIup,KSDIup(i),maxKSDIup); }

maxKSDIdn = 0;
for (i=minLB;i<=maxLB;i++)
{ maxKSDIdn = IIf(KSDIdn(i)>maxKSDIdn,KSDIdn(i),maxKSDIdn); }

KPO = maxKSDIup - maxKSDIdn;

/* Definition of PeakOut lines POmax and POmin */

UPcycle = minLB;
for (i=minLB+1;i<=maxLB;i++)
{ UPcycle = IIf(KSDIup(i)==maxKSDIup,i,UPcycle); }

DNcycle = minLB;
for (i=minLB+1;i<=maxLB;i++)
{ DNcycle = IIf(KSDIdn(i)==maxKSDIdn,i,DNcycle); }

function f(x)
{ return sqrt(-2*log(1-x)) ; }

function g(x)
{ return f(x) - (2.515517 + 0.802853*f(x) + 0.010328*f(x)^2) / (1 +
1.432788*f(x) + 0.189269*f(x)^2 + 0.001308*f(x)^3) ; }

function NDSINV(x)
{ return IIf(099) PCcycl=99;
if (PChist<1) PChist=1;
if (PChist>99) PChist=99;

THcycl = NDSINV(0.5*(PCcycl/100+1));
THhist = NDSINV(0.5*(PChist/100+1));

CYCL = IIf(KPO>=0,UPcycle,DNcycle);
MNcycl = MA(KPO,CYCL);
SDcycl = SD(KPO,CYCL);
Vcycl1 = MNcycl + THcycl*SDcycl;
Vcycl2 = MNcycl - THcycl*SDcycl;
POcycl = IIf(KPO>0,Vcycl1,IIf(KPO<0,Vcycl2,0));

HIST = BarIndex()-maxLB+1;
MNhist = MA(KPO,HIST);
SDhist = SD(KPO,HIST);
Vhist1 = MNhist + THhist*SDhist;
Vhist2 = MNhist - THhist*SDhist;
POhist = IIf(KPO>0,Vhist1,IIf(KPO<0,Vhist2,0));

POmax = IIf(abs(POcycl)>abs(POhist),POcycl,POhist);
POmin = IIf(abs(POcycl)=abs(POmax) AND Ref(abs(KPO),1)=abs(POmin) AND Ref(abs(KPO),1)

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