

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM


Kama AFL might specifically focus on the Kaufman Adaptive Moving Average (KAMA) indicator. It could offer insights into trend direction or volatility adjustments based on KAMA calculations. Utilizing an Amibroker data feed, this AFL aids traders in making informed decisions based on KAMA’s adaptive nature.

/// AMA System by Karthikmarar
// Two adjustable parameter "Buy sensitivity" and "Buy Finetune" provided to adjust entry points.
// Two adjustable parameter "Sell sensitivity" and "Sell Finetune" provided to adjust Exit points.

/* 	Version 1.1
	Modified on : 28-11-2006
	Original Code : http://www.traderji.com/67020-post435.html
	Reference material : http://trader.online.pl/MSZ/e-w-Kaufmans_Adaptive_Moving_Average_II.html

SetChartOptions(0, chartShowArrows|chartShowDates);
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC(C, 1 ) ) ));

// Buy adjustments
bPeriods	= Param("BUY Sensitivity",10,2,20,1);
bF       	= Param("BUY Finetune",2,0.1,20,0.1);
// Sell Adjustments
sPeriods  = Param("SELL Sensitivity",3,2,20,1);
sF        = Param("SELL Finetune",1,0.1,20,0.1);

// common
fast   = 2/(2+1);      // 0.666        // Fast end factor
slow   = 2/(30+1);     // 0.0645       // Slow end factor

//BUY part
bDir   = abs( Close - Ref(Close, -bPeriods) );         	// Signal:=abs(Pr-Ref(Pr,-Periods));
bVol   = Sum( abs(Close - Ref(Close, -1)) , bPeriods);    // Sum of Noise for the given period
bER    = bDir/bVol;                                    	// EffRatio = If(Noise>0.,Signal/Noise,0.);

                                      	  // FERatio = FEndF*EffRatio+SEndF*(1-EffRatio);
bSc		= ( bER*(fast - slow) + slow )^2;   // SmoothF = Power(FERatio,2))
bX     = AMA( C, bSc );						  // AMA value

the Filter itself is based on the volatility
Filter = k * (change in Kama value)std dev 
bFilter	= bF * StDev( bX-Ref(bX,-1), 20);
j			= bX - Ref(bX, -3);	

//SELL part
sDir	= abs(Close-Ref(Close, -sPeriods));
sVol	= Sum(abs( Close - Ref(Close, -1) ), sPeriods);
sER    = sDir/sVol;
sSc    = ( sER*(fast - slow) + slow)^2;
sX     = AMA( C, sSc );
sFilter= sF *StDev( sX - Ref(sX, -1), 20);
k = Ref(sX, -3) - sX;

       BUY when the AMA turns up
       SELL when it turns down
Buy     = Cross(j, bFilter);
Sell    = Cross(k, sFilter);

mycolor = IIf(C > bX, colorLime, colorRed);
Plot( C, "Close", mycolor, styleNoTitle | styleBar | styleThick   );
Plot( bX, "kamaBuy", colorBrown, styleLine, 1);
Plot( sX, "kamaSell", colorBlue, styleLine, 1);

Buy     = ExRem(Buy, Sell);
Sell    = ExRem(Sell, Buy);

shape   = Buy * shapeUpArrow + Sell * shapeDownArrow ;

PlotShapes( shape, IIf( Buy, colorGreen, colorBrown ),0, IIf( Buy, Low, High ) );

GraphXSpace = 5;
dist = 1.5*ATR(20);

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) {
       if( Buy[i] ) PlotText( "Buy\n@" + C[i], i, L[i] - dist[i], colorLime );
       if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "sell\n@" + C[i], i, L[i] + dist[i], colorBrown );


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