

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM


The Intraday AFL might encompass a broad set of functionalities or indicators designed for intraday trading strategies. It could offer tools or indicators optimized for short-term trading within a single trading session. Utilizing an Amibroker data feed, this AFL enables traders to conduct real-time intraday analysis based on historical intraday price data.

Intraday Range and Periods Framer

This script will draw horizontal lines for the following items:

- Previous day close (red dashed line)
- Today open (pink dotted line)
- Today high and low (pink lines)
- Premarket range 8:30am to 9:30am EST (blue dashed lines)
- 5 min opening range (dark green lines)
- 30 mintue opening range (light green lines)

It also draws yellow vertical lines marking the following periods:
- Day start (blue triangle)
- Day end (red triangle)
- 5 min opening period end (dark green triangle)
- 30 minute period end (light green triangle)
- Mid day slow period (gray triangles)

The important part of this script is that it shows how to get
accurate values from the TimeFrameCompress and TimeFrameExpand
functions when displaying intraday data on a chart that is not 
limited to market hours only (9:30am to 4:00pm EST).  If you
did not use the methods shown in this script, then the TF functions
might return values that you did not want.  You would still get 
open, high, low, and prev clos values, but they would most likely 
off as they would include the pre and post market values as well.
By using arrays of boolean values indicating what period the each
bar in is, the TF functions can then be used effectively while
still showing all data the 24 hour period has to offer.

I leave it up to you to put alerts or filtering criteria in the script.




pAlwaysShowLastDay = ParamToggle("Show Last Day Always", "No|Yes", 1);
pShowMarkers = ParamToggle("Show Markers", "No|Yes", 1);
pShowRangeLines = ParamToggle("Show Range Lines", "No|Yes", 1);
pExtendAllRangeLines = ParamToggle("Extend Range Lines", "No|Yes", 0);

rthDN = DateNum();
rthDT = DateTime();
rthTN = TimeNum();
rthIn = TimeNum() >= 095500 AND TimeNum() <= 153000;
rtnBI = BarIndex();

porAlwaysShowLastDay = (pAlwaysShowLastDay AND rthDN == LastValue(rthDN));
porShowMarkers = pShowMarkers OR porAlwaysShowLastDay;
porShowRangeLines = pShowRangeLines OR porAlwaysShowLastDay;

isAll = True;
isRth =  TimeNum() >= 093000 AND TimeNum() <= 160000;
aRthH = IIf(isRth, H, Null);
aRthL = IIf(isRth, L, 1000000);

isPreM =  TimeNum() >= 083000 AND TimeNum() < 093000;
aPreMH = IIf(isPreM, H, Null);
aPreML = IIf(isPreM, L, 1000000);

isOR1 =  TimeNum() >= 093000 AND TimeNum() < 093500;
aOR1H = IIf(isOR1, H, Null);
aOR1L = IIf(isOR1, L, 1000000);
isOR1LastBar = isOR1 AND NOT Ref(isOR1, 1);

isOR2 =  TimeNum() >= 093000 AND TimeNum() < 100000;
aOR2H = IIf(isOR2, H, Null);
aOR2L = IIf(isOR2, L, 1000000);
isOR2LastBar = isOR2 AND NOT Ref(isOR2, 1);

isLastBarOfDay = rthDN != Ref(rthDN, 1);
isFirstBarOfDay = rthDN != Ref(rthDN, -1);

isSlowPeriod = TimeNum() >= 110000 AND TimeNum() < 140000;
isSlowPeriodBegin = isSlowPeriod != Ref(isSlowPeriod, -1); 
isSlowPeriodEnd = isSlowPeriod != Ref(isSlowPeriod, 1); 

isClose = (rthIn AND NOT Ref(rthIn, 1)) OR (rthIn AND rthDN < Ref(rthDN, 1));
aClose = IIf(isClose, Close, Null);
isOpen = (rthIn AND NOT Ref(rthIn, -1)) OR (rthIn AND rthDN > Ref(rthDN, -1));
aOpen = IIf(isOpen, Open, Null);

aVolumeSum[0] = 0;
aVolumeSum = IIf(isFirstBarOfDay, 0, Ref(aVolumeSum, -1) + Volume);
aVolumeSumPreM = IIf(isPreM, aVolumeSum, 0);
PreMVolume = TimeFrameCompress( aVolumeSumPreM, inDaily, compressHigh );
PreMVolume = TimeFrameExpand( PreMVolume , inDaily, expandFirst );

DayO = TimeFrameCompress( aOpen, inDaily, compressHigh );
DayO = TimeFrameExpand( DayO, inDaily, expandFirst );
DayH = TimeFrameCompress( aRthH, inDaily, compressHigh );
DayH = TimeFrameExpand( DayH, inDaily, expandFirst );
DayL = TimeFrameCompress( aRthL, inDaily, compressLow );
DayL = TimeFrameExpand( DayL, inDaily, expandFirst );
PrevDayC = TimeFrameCompress( aClose, inDaily, compressHigh );
PrevDayC = TimeFrameExpand( Ref(PrevDayC, -1), inDaily, expandFirst );

OR1H = TimeFrameCompress( aOR1H, inDaily, compressHigh );
OR1H = TimeFrameExpand( OR1H, inDaily, expandFirst );
OR1L = TimeFrameCompress( aOR1L, inDaily, compressLow );
OR1L = TimeFrameExpand( OR1L, inDaily, expandFirst );

ShowRangeLine = isRth OR pExtendAllRangeLines;

Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND ShowRangeLine, OR1H, Null), "OR1H", ColorRGB( 0, 100, 0 ), styleLine | styleNoTitle ); 
Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND ShowRangeLine AND OR1L < 1000000, OR1L, Null), "OR1L", ColorRGB( 0, 100, 0 ), styleLine | styleNoTitle ); 
PlotShapes(IIf(porShowMarkers AND isOR1 AND NOT Ref(isOR1, 1), shapeDownTriangle, Null), ColorRGB( 0, 100, 0 ), 0, OR1H, -8);
PlotShapes(IIf(porShowMarkers AND isOR1 AND NOT Ref(isOR1, 1) AND OR1L < 1000000, shapeUpTriangle, Null), ColorRGB( 0, 100, 0 ), 0, OR1L, -8);
PlotOHLC(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOR1LastBar AND OR1L < 1000000, DayH, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOR1LastBar AND OR1L < 1000000, DayH, Null),
	IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOR1LastBar AND OR1L < 1000000, DayL, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOR1LastBar AND OR1L < 1000000, DayL, Null),
	"OR1End", colorYellow, styleBar | styleNoTitle);

OR2H = TimeFrameCompress( aOR2H, inDaily, compressHigh );
OR2H = TimeFrameExpand( OR2H, inDaily, expandFirst );
OR2L = TimeFrameCompress( aOR2L, inDaily, compressLow );
OR2L = TimeFrameExpand( OR2L, inDaily, expandFirst );

Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND ShowRangeLine, OR2H, Null), "OR2H", ColorRGB( 100, 170, 100 ), styleLine | styleNoTitle ); 
Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND ShowRangeLine AND OR2L < 1000000, OR2L, Null), "OR2L", ColorRGB( 100, 170, 100 ), styleLine | styleNoTitle ); 
PlotShapes(IIf(porShowMarkers AND isOR2 AND NOT Ref(isOR2, 1), shapeDownTriangle, Null), ColorRGB( 100, 170, 100 ), 0, OR2h, -8);
PlotShapes(IIf(porShowMarkers AND isOR2 AND NOT Ref(isOR2, 1) AND OR2L < 1000000, shapeUpTriangle, Null), ColorRGB( 100, 170, 100 ), 0, OR2L, -8);
PlotOHLC(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOR2LastBar AND OR2L < 1000000, DayH, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOR2LastBar AND OR2L < 1000000, DayH, Null),
	IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOR2LastBar AND OR2L < 1000000, DayL, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOR2LastBar AND OR2L < 1000000, DayL, Null),
	"OR2End", colorYellow, styleBar | styleNoTitle);

PreH = TimeFrameCompress( aPreMH, inDaily, compressHigh );
PreH = TimeFrameExpand( PreH, inDaily, expandFirst );
PreL = TimeFrameCompress( aPreML, inDaily, compressLow );
PreL = TimeFrameExpand( PreL, inDaily, expandFirst );

Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND isAll, PreH, Null), "PreH", colorBlue, styleDashed | styleNoTitle ); 
Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND isAll AND preL < 1000000, PreL, Null), "PreL", colorBlue, styleDashed | styleNoTitle );

Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND ShowRangeLine, DayO, Null), "DOpen", ColorRGB( 255, 100, 255 ), styleLine | styleNoTitle | styleDots); 
Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND ShowRangeLine, DayH, Null), "DHigh", ColorRGB( 255, 100, 255 ), styleLine | styleNoTitle ); 
Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND ShowRangeLine, DayL, Null), "DLow", ColorRGB( 255, 100, 255 ), styleLine | styleNoTitle ); 

Plot(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND NOT isLastBarOfDay AND ShowRangeLine, PrevDayC, Null), "PClose", colorRed, styleDashed | styleNoTitle ); 

PlotShapes(IIf(porShowMarkers AND isOpen, shapeUpTriangle, Null), colorBlue, 0, DayL, -8);
PlotOHLC(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOpen, DayH, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOpen, DayH, Null),
	IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOpen, DayL, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isOpen, DayL, Null),
	"Open", colorYellow, styleBar | styleNoTitle);
PlotShapes(IIf(porShowMarkers AND isClose, shapeUpTriangle, Null), colorRed, 0, DayL, -8);
PlotOHLC(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isClose, DayH, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isClose, DayH, Null),
	IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isClose, DayL, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isClose, DayL, Null),
	"Open", colorYellow, styleBar | styleNoTitle);

PlotShapes(IIf(porShowMarkers AND isSlowPeriodBegin, shapeUpTriangle, Null), ColorRGB(155, 155, 155), 0, DayL, -8);
PlotShapes(IIf(porShowMarkers AND isSlowPeriodEnd, shapeUpTriangle, Null), ColorRGB(155, 155, 155), 0, DayL, -8);
PlotOHLC(IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isSlowPeriodBegin, DayH, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isSlowPeriodBegin, DayH, Null),
	IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isSlowPeriodBegin, DayL, Null),IIf(porShowRangeLines AND isSlowPeriodBegin, DayL, Null),
"Open", colorYellow, styleBar | styleNoTitle);

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