

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Ichimoki - Arab

Utilizing the Amibroker data feed to adapt Ichimoku indicators for Arab markets offers tailored insights. Crafting an Amibroker AFL specific to Arab market dynamics enables traders to navigate trends and price actions effectively within that context.

/Title = "{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} - Ichimokku -11: {{VALUES}}";
// Optimizer can be used to find optimum periods for SL and TL

SL_Prd = Optimize( "No_of_Days for SL", 22, 18, 24, 1 );
TL_Prd = Optimize( "No_of_Days for TL", 7, 5, 11, 1 );

SL = ( HHV( H, SL_Prd) + LLV( L, SL_Prd) )/2;
TL = ( HHV( H, TL_Prd) + LLV( L, TL_Prd) )/2;

Span1 = Ref( ( SL + TL )/2, -SL_Prd );
Span2 = Ref( (HHV( H, 2*SL_Prd) + LLV(L, 2*SL_Prd))/2, -SL_Prd);

MaxGraph = 6;
GraphXSpace = 15; /* create empty space of 15% top and bottom of chart */

Plot(SL,"SL",colorBlue,styleThick); // standard, base, or kijun-sen line
Plot(TL,"TL",colorRed,styleThick); // turning, conversion, or tenkan-sen line

Plot(Close,"Close",colorLightGrey,styleLine,styleThick); // price close

Buy = Cross(C, TL);
Sell = Cross(TL, C) ;

IIf( (Buy),PlotShapes(shapeUpArrow*Buy,colorBlue),0);
IIf( (Sell),PlotShapes(shapeDownArrow*Sell,colorRed),0) ;

Plot( Volume, _DEFAULT_NAME(), ParamColor("Color", colorBlueGrey ), ParamStyle( "Style", styleHistogram | styleOwnScale | styleThick, maskHistogram ), 2 );


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