

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Hilbert Study

The Hilbert Study incorporates mathematical techniques, particularly the Hilbert Transform, to analyze market data. It aims to smoothen out noisy price data, making trends more discernible for traders. This study assists in identifying turning points or trends within the financial markets. Integrating Amibroker data feed bolsters the effectiveness of the Hilbert Study by providing accurate and up-to-date market data, enabling traders to create refined indicators for effective trend analysis.

/_SECTION_BEGIN("Hilbert Study ");
/* Hilbert Study */

value1=((H+L)/2) - Ref(((H+L)/2),-6);
value2= Ref(value1,-3);
value3=0.75*(value1-Ref(value1,-6)) + 0.25*(Ref(value1,-2)-Ref(value1,-4));

  value1 = AFL("Value1")
  value2 = AFL("Value2")
  value3 = AFL("Value3")
  Close = AFL("Close")
  inphase = Close
  quad = inphase

Call Setup()
function Setup()
	for i = 1 to Ubound(Close)
	   inphase(i) =  0.33 * value2(i) + (0.67 * inphase(i-1) )  
                   quad(i)    = 0.20  * value3(i) + ( 0.8 * quad(i-1) )
End function

AFL.Var("inphase") = inphase
AFL.Var("quad") = quad
p1  =  atan( 
                   abs(quad+Ref(quad,-1) )   / abs(inphase+Ref(inphase,-1) ) 
                  *     360 /3.1416;
phase = IIf(inphase<0 AND quad>0, 180-p1, 
  IIf(inphase<0 AND quad<0, 180+p1,
  IIf(inphase>0 AND quad<0, 360-p1,p1)));
dp  =  IIf(Ref(phase,-1)<90 AND phase>270, 360+Ref(phase,-1)-phase,Ref(phase,-1)-phase);
dp2 = IIf(dp < 1, 1,
  IIf(dp > 60, 60, dp));

Graph1 = dp2;

HilbertCyclePeriod1a = dp2;
value = dp2;

IIf(Sum(value,6)>=360 AND Sum(value,5)<360 ,6,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,7)>=360 AND Sum(value,6)<360 ,7,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,8)>=360 AND Sum(value,7)<360 ,8,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,9)>=360 AND Sum(value,8)<360 ,9,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,10)>=360 AND Sum(value,9)<360 ,10,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,11)>=360 AND Sum(value,10)<360 ,11,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,12)>=360 AND Sum(value,11)<360 ,12,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,13)>=360 AND Sum(value,12)<360 ,13,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,14)>=360 AND Sum(value,13)<360 ,14,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,15)>=360 AND Sum(value,14)<360 ,15,0);

HCycleCount2a =
IIf(Sum(value,16)>=360 AND Sum(value,15)<360 ,16,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,17)>=360 AND Sum(value,16)<360 ,17,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,18)>=360 AND Sum(value,17)<360 ,18,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,19)>=360 AND Sum(value,18)<360 ,19,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,20)>=360 AND Sum(value,19)<360 ,20,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,21)>=360 AND Sum(value,20)<360 ,21,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,22)>=360 AND Sum(value,21)<360 ,22,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,23)>=360 AND Sum(value,22)<360 ,23,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,24)>=360 AND Sum(value,23)<360 ,24,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,25)>=360 AND Sum(value,24)<360 ,25,0);

HCyclecount3a = 
IIf(Sum(value,26)>=360 AND Sum(value,25)<360 ,26,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,27)>=360 AND Sum(value,26)<360 ,27,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,28)>=360 AND Sum(value,27)<360 ,28,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,29)>=360 AND Sum(value,28)<360 ,29,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,30)>=360 AND Sum(value,29)<360 ,30,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,31)>=360 AND Sum(value,30)<360 ,31,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,32)>=360 AND Sum(value,31)<360 ,32,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,33)>=360 AND Sum(value,32)<360 ,33,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,34)>=360 AND Sum(value,33)<360 ,34,0) +
IIf(Sum(value,35)>=360 AND Sum(value,34)<360 ,35,0);

c1=  HCycleCount1a + HCycleCount2a + HCycleCount3a;
graph0 = HCycleCount1a;
graph1 = HCyclecount2a;
Graph2 = HCyclecount3a;
c1 = AFL("c1")
c2 = c1
c3 = c1
	for i = 1 to Ubound(c1)
                      if c1(i) = 0 then c2(i) = c2(i-1) else c2(i) = c1(i) 
                      c3(i) = 0.25*c2(i) + 0.75*c3(i-1)  

AFL.Var("quad") = c1

GraphXSpace = 1;

/* playing a little here with moving averages, the Hilbert curve
    using Amibroker seems a lot more jagged than the one
    produced using Metastock.  I do not understand this
   difference but using a moving average produces a curve
   that is closer to Metastocks results than the one that I 
   produced as an interpetation.  */

fast = 2/(2+1);
slow = 2/(30+1);
sc =( ER*(fast-slow)+slow)^2;

Graph0 = c1;
Graph1 = AMA( c1, sc );
Graph2 = EMA(c1,9);


/* Squelch  here is used as 15 instead of 20 on the site */
Squelch = 15;

var1 = Graph2;
Buy = IIf(var1 < Squelch , 0 , 1);
Sell = IIf( var1 < Squelch ,  1, 0 );
Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);

/* Exploration code */

/* filter is setup so that you can test any particular date and
   see the followup performance.  Just make sure that that
   date is at least 3 * first days in the past from the current
   date, otherwise the future references will produce the 
   wrong information or no information useful */

Filter = Buy==1;

/* First is the number of days for each ROC interval for reviewing performance */

NumColumns = 7;
Column0 = C;
Column0Format = 1.2;
Column0Name = "Close";
Column1 = Ref(C, 1+first);
Column1Name = "Close+i ";
Column1Format = 1.2;
Column2 = Ref(C,1+first*2);
Column2Name = "Close+i*2   ";
Column2Format = 1.2;
Column3 =  Ref(C,1+first*3);
Column3Name = "Close+i*3 ";
Column3Format = 1.2;
Column4= Ref(C,first*1+1)  -  C;
Column4Format = 1.2;
Column5=  Ref(C,first*2+1)  -  C;
Column5Format = 1.2;
Column6=  Ref(C,first*3+1)  -  C;
Column6Format = 1.2;

/*  End of Exploration Code. */

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