

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Gann blue

“Gann Blue” might signify a specific variation or interpretation of W.D. Gann’s trading principles or indicators, possibly indicating a bullish bias or specific indicator color scheme within Gann analysis. Using Amibroker AFL, traders can potentially develop customized Gann Blue indicators or systems. Integration with Amibroker data feed ensures real-time data analysis for Gann-based strategies.

/_SECTION_BEGIN("Gann Swing chart v4 ");
/* Gann Swing chart v4 */
/* Last modified 24 Feb 2001 */
/* AFL implementation by */
/* (C)2001 Tomasz Janeczko  */
/* one and two - bar reversal version */

/* Change this to 1 for two-bar mode */
twobarmode = 0;

outsidebar = Outside();
insidebar = H <= Ref( H, -1 ) AND L >= Ref( L, -1 ); // built-in inside() works with < > instead of <= >=

upbar = H > Ref( H, -1 ) AND L >= Ref( L, -1 );
downbar = L < Ref( L, -1 ) AND H <= Ref( H, -1 );

upbar2 = upbar OR ( outsidebar AND Ref( downbar, 1 ) ) ;
downbar2 = downbar OR ( outsidebar AND Ref( upbar, 1 ) );

Poi =  outsidebar AND Ref( insidebar, 1 );
Poo =  outsidebar AND Ref( outsidebar, 1 );
Pooi = Poo AND Ref( insidebar, 2 );
Poio = Poi AND Ref( outsidebar, 2 );
Poii =  Poi AND Ref( insidebar, 2 );
Pooo = Poo AND Ref( outsidebar, 2 );
Poooi = Pooo AND Ref( insidebar, 3 );
Pooio = Pooi AND Ref( outsidebar, 3 );
Poioo = Poio AND Ref( outsidebar, 3 );

upbar3 = upbar2 OR ( Poi AND Ref( downbar, 2 ) );
downbar3 = downbar2 OR ( Poi AND Ref( upbar, 2 ) );
upbar4 = upbar3 OR ( Poo  AND Ref( upbar, 2 ) );
downbar4 = downbar3 OR ( Poo  AND Ref( downbar, 2 ) );

upbar5 = upbar4 OR  ( Pooi AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );
downbar5 = downbar4 OR  ( Pooi  AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );

upbar6 = upbar5 OR  ( Poio AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );
downbar6 = downbar5 OR  ( Poio  AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );

upbar7 = upbar6 OR  ( Poii AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );
downbar7 = downbar6 OR  ( Poii  AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );

upbar8 = upbar7 OR  ( Pooo AND Ref( downbar, 3 ) );
downbar8 = downbar7 OR  ( Pooo AND Ref( upbar, 3 ) );

upbar9 = upbar8 OR  ( Poooi AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar9 = downbar8 OR  (Poooi  AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

upbar10 = upbar9 OR  ( Pooio AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar10 = downbar9 OR  (  Pooio AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

upbar11 = upbar10 OR  (  Poioo AND Ref( downbar, 4 ) );
downbar11 = downbar10 OR  ( Poioo  AND Ref( upbar, 4 ) );

fupbar = upbar11;
fdownbar = downbar11;
// Two-bar mode handling
fupbar = IIf( twobarmode, fupbar AND Ref( fupbar, 1 ), fupbar );
fdownbar = IIf( twobarmode, fdownbar AND Ref( fdownbar, 1 ), fdownbar );

/* Barcount since most recent up and down swings */
Us = BarsSince( fupbar  ); 
Ds = BarsSince( fdownbar ) ;

Sd1 =IIf( Us==0, 1,  IIf( Ds==0, -1, 0) );

Sd2 = IIf( Sd1 == 1,  IIf( Ref( BarsSince(Sd1==1), -1) > Ref( BarsSince( Sd1 == -1), -1), 1, 0), 
          IIf( Sd1 == -1,  IIf( Ref( BarsSince(Sd1==1),-1) < Ref( BarsSince( Sd1 == -1),-1), -1, 0),  0 ) ); 

g0 =  ValueWhen( Sd2, Sd2 ); /* sample and hold non-zero values */

/* shift back one bar, add one dummy swing at the end and shift forward */
/* to ensure proper handling of the last swing */
lastbar = Cum(1) == LastValue( Cum(1) );
swinglevel = IIf( g0 == -1, HighestSince( Sd2 == 1, H ), LowestSince( Sd2 == -1, L ) );
swinglevel = IIf( lastbar, IIf( g0 == -1, LowestSince( Sd2 == -1, L ), HighestSince( Sd2 == 1, H )), Ref( swinglevel, 1 ) );

/* Gann Swing chart drawn here */
Graph1 =  Ref( ValueWhen( Ref( Sd2 != 0, 1 ) OR lastbar, swinglevel ,  0 ), -1 );
Graph1Style = 512+1024;
GraphXSpace = 5;

/* Colourized price bars drawn here */
/* graph0 = close; */
/* graph0style = 128; */
/* barcolor =  IIF( outsidebar, 1, IIF( downbar, 4, IIF( upbar, 5, 0 ) ) ); */
/* graph0barcolor = ValueWhen( barcolor != 0, barcolor ); */

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