

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Fibo Retracements

Fibo Retracements within Amibroker could encompass the application of Fibonacci ratios to analyze potential price retracement levels. Traders rely on these retracement levels to identify areas of possible support or resistance. The integration with the Amibroker data feed ensures accurate depiction and utilization of these Fibonacci-based retracements for effective technical analysis.

/_SECTION_BEGIN("MOB simulation shiree");


_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}} - {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} Open %g, Hi %g, Lo %g, Close %g (%.1f%%) {{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 ) ) ));
//Plot( C, "Close", ParamColor("Color", colorPink ), styleNoTitle | ParamStyle("Style") | GetPriceStyle() ); 

//Date: 12-January 2002 by Thomas Zmuck
//thomas.zm@ aon.at
Offset = 5; //use two sheets: one with 5 and another with 7, or maybe other offset value
Avgmov = Offset*MA(abs( ROC(C,1)) ,20);
per = LastValue(Avgmov) ; 
Range = 0.01;
PS = TroughBars(L, per,1) == 0;
xa = LastValue(ValueWhen (PS,x,1)) ;//x from last trough
Ya = LastValue(ValueWhen (PS,L,1)) ;//y (Low) last trough
PR = PeakBars(H,per, 1) == 0;
xb = LastValue(ValueWhen (PR,x,1)) ;//x from last peak
Yb = LastValue(ValueWhen (PR,H,1)) ;//y (High) last peak
Trough_ReTest = abs((L/ya)-1) xa;//upSwing
DN = xa>xb;//DownSwing
RT23_6 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.236, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.236,-1e10) );
RT38_2 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.382, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.382,-1e10) );
RT50_0 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.500, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.500,-1e10) );
RT61_8 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.618, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.618,-1e10) );
RT78_6 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*0.786, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*0.786,-1e10) );

RT12_7 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*1.27, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*1.27,-1e10) );
RT16_1 = IIf(UP,yb-(yb- ya)*1.61, IIf(DN,ya+ (yb-ya)*1.61,-1e10) );

IIf(UP,-100* (yb-L)/(yb- ya),
100*(H-ya)/( yb-ya));//Retracement_ Value
InZone = Cya;//use it for filter to receive only signals that are in in the Retracement zone.
Buy = Trough_ReTest OR peak_Cross;
Sell = Peak_ReTest OR trough_Cross;
Filter = 1;
AddColumn(RT, "RT%");
AddColumn(Trough_ReTest,"TR- Test",1.0) ;
AddColumn(Peak_ReTest,"PK-Test",1.0) ;
//AddColumn(CdDoji( )OR CHammer(),"Candle" ,1.0);
Plot(C,"C",1, 64);
Plot(IIf(x>xa, ya,-1e10) ,"Bottom" ,colorBrown, 1+8);
Plot(IIf(x>xb, yb,-1e10) ,"Top",colorBrown,1+8);
xab = IIf(xb>xa,xb, xa);
Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT23_6,-1e10), "23,6% Retr.",5,1);
Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT38_2,-1e10), "38,2% Retr.",5,1);
Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT50_0,-1e10), "50,0% Retr.",colorBlue, 1);
Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT61_8,-1e10), "61,8% Retr.",colorYellow, 1);
Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT78_6,-1e10), "78,6% Retr.",colorYellow, 1);

Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT12_7,-1e10), "127% ext.",colorBrightGreen, styleDots);
Plot(IIf(x>= xab+1,RT16_1,-1e10), "161% ext.",colorBrightGreen, styleDots);
CondA=IIf(x>= xab+1,RT12_7,-1e10);
CondB=IIf(x>= xab+1,RT16_1,-1e10);

GraphXSpace = 0.5;

//GraphXSpace = 1.5;
//Title = Name()+" per = "+WriteVal(per, 1.0) +" Close = "+WriteVal(C, 1.2)+ " ("+WriteVal( ROC(C,1), 1.2)+"%)" +" Current Correction = "+WriteVal(RT, 1.0)+"%";

//Plot( Volume,"V", ParamColor("Color", colorBlueGrey ), ParamStyle( "Style", stylehidden| styleOwnScale | styleThick, maskHistogram  ), 2 );


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