

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

FastStoch & FullStoch

FastStoch and FullStoch in Amibroker AFL are stochastic oscillators used to measure momentum. FastStoch reacts quickly to price changes, while FullStoch is smoother as it considers a more extended period. Traders use these indicators to identify overbought or oversold conditions in the market. When coupled with other analysis tools, they offer insights into potential trend shifts or continuation points.

Originally Developed by George C. Lane
For reference, see;
Values about at OR above the Red line show overbought,
AND about at OR below the Green line show oversold.
where x is the first parameter, y is the second parameter
and (in the case of Full stochastics), z is the third parameter.
 In the case of Fast and Slow Stochastics,
 x is typically 14 and y is usually set to 3.
 The formula could be plotted with three lines,
 Hence 14-3-3  or 14-5-3 or 14-3-5
%K (fast)
%K (full) = y-day SMA of %K (fast) 
%D (full) = z-day SMA of %K (full)
or just the usual 2 lines,
%K (full) = y-day SMA of %K (fast) 
%D (full) = z-day SMA of %K (full)
pds = 14; /*Periods */
/*pds = Optimize("pds",13,2,20,1); */

slw = 3; /*Slowing for Full Stoch%K*/
/*slw = Optimize("slw",3,1,14,1); */

slwd = 3; /*Slowing for Full Stoch%D*/
/*slwd = Optimize("slwd",3,1,14,1); */

ob = 83; /*Overbought */
/*ob = Optimize("ob",83,65,88,1); */

os = 24; /*Oversold */
/*os = Optimize("os",24,20,50,1); */

FSK = 100*(C-LLV(L,pds))/(HHV(H,pds)-LLV(L,pds)); // FASTSTOCHK



MaxGraph = 6;
Graph0 = FSK;
Graph0Color = 7;
Graph1 = FLSK;
Graph1Color = 6;
Graph2 = FLSD;
Graph2Color = 23;
Graph3 = FLSD;
Graph3BarColor =
IIf (Graph3 > ob, 13,
IIf (Graph3 < os,8,14));
Graph4 = ob;
Graph4Color = 4;
Graph5 = os;
Graph5Color = 43;
Graph0Style = Graph1Style = Graph2Style = Graph4Style = Graph5Style = 1;
Graph3Style = 2;

Title = Name()+"   "+FullName()+
"   FastStoch%K=Yellow  FullStoch%K = Blue  FullStoch%D = Dark Grey";

whengoup = FLSD < os AND Cross(FSK,os) AND FLSK >= Ref(FLSK,-1) AND FLSD >= Ref(FLSD,-1) OR  Cross(FLSD,os) AND FSK >= Ref(FSK,-1) AND FLSK >= Ref(FLSK,-1) ;

whengodown = IIf(BarsSince(Cross(os,FSK))==1 AND FLSK < os ,1,0) OR Cross(os,FSK) AND FLSK < Ref(FLSK,-1) OR FLSK < ob AND FLSK > os AND FLSK <= Ref(FLSK,-1) OR FSK > ob AND FLSK > ob AND FLSD > ob AND FSK < Ref(FSK,-1) AND FLSK < Ref(FLSK,-1) AND FLSD <= Ref(FLSD,-1) OR FSK > ob AND FLSK > ob AND FLSD > ob AND Cross(ob,FLSK);

Buy = whengoup;
Sell = whengodown;

Buy = ExRem(Buy,Sell);
Sell = ExRem(Sell,Buy);

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