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Exploration plot william Alligator System

Amibroker enables traders to explore the plotting of the William Alligator System using its Data capabilities and Data Feed. By utilizing Amibroker AFL scripts, traders visualize this system composed of three moving averages, aiding in trend identification and entry/exit point determination. Reliable data from Amibroker Data and real-time updates via Data Feed ensure accurate plotting and timely adjustments to market conditions.

   Bill William's Alligator System II

   Reference Website:

   Modified from http://www.amibroker.com/library/detail.php?id=100, by Steve Wiser - slwiserr@erols.com
   Modified by TohMz  on June 9th, 2008
SetChartOptions( 0, chartShowArrows|chartShowDates );

_SECTION_BEGIN("Price Chart");
_N(Title = StrFormat("{{NAME}}- {{INTERVAL}} {{DATE}} O= %g, H= %g, L= %g, C= %g (%.1f%%) V= " +WriteVal( V, 1.0 ) +"\n{{VALUES}}", O, H, L, C, SelectedValue( ROC( C, 1 )) ));
PriceStyle = GetPriceStyle();
PriceStyleOpt = ParamStyle("Price Style")|PriceStyle;

if (PriceStyle==styleCandle)
   Plot( C, "", colorBlack,  PriceStyleOpt); 
   Plot( C, "", IIf( Close >= Ref(C, -1), colorBlue, colorRed ), PriceStyleOpt);

_SECTION_BEGIN("BW Alligator");
/*** The trend indicators ***/

P= ParamList("Price", "Close|(H+L)/2|(H+C+L)/3",1);

if (P=="Close")
   A = C;
if (P=="(H+C+L)/3")
   A = (H+C+L)/3;
  A = (H+L)/2;

AlligatorJaw   = Ref(Wilders(A,13),-8);
AlligatorTeeth = Ref(Wilders(A,8), -5);
AlligatorLips  = Ref(Wilders(A,5), -3);

Plot(AlligatorJaw,  "Jaw", ParamColor("Jaw's Color",colorBlue), ParamStyle("Jaw's Style", styleThick));
Plot(AlligatorTeeth,"Teeth", ParamColor("Teeth's Color",colorRed), ParamStyle("Teeth's Style", styleThick));
Plot(AlligatorLips, "Lips", ParamColor("Lips's Color",colorGreen), ParamStyle("Lips's Style", styleThick));



UpFractal= ValueWhen(
  (Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -4)) AND
  (Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -3)) AND
  (Ref(H,-2) > Ref(H, -1)) AND
  (Ref(H,-2) > H), Ref(H,-2));

DownFractal= ValueWhen(
  (Ref(L,-2) <= Ref(L, -4)) AND
  (Ref(L,-2) <=  Ref(L, -3)) AND
  (Ref(L,-2) <=  Ref(L, -1)) AND
  (Ref(L,-2) <=  L), Ref(L,-2));

//== Added Crash  crashandburn59 [at] hotmail.com solution
Plot(Ref(UpFractal,2), "Up Fractal", ParamColor("Up Fractal Color",colorRed), ParamStyle("Up Fractal Style", styleDashed));
Plot(Ref(DownFractal,2), "Down Fractal",ParamColor("Down Fractal Color",colorBlue), ParamStyle("Down Fractal Style", styleDashed));

//Plot(Max(HHV(H,3),Ref(UpFractal,2)), "Up Fractal", ParamColor("Up Fractal Color",colorRed), ParamStyle("Up Fractal Style", styleDashed));
//Plot(Max(HHV(H,3),Ref(UpFractal,2)), "Down Fractal",ParamColor("Down Fractal Color",colorBlue), ParamStyle("Down Fractal Style", styleDashed));



   Buy:  Scan stocks only breakout..maxbreakout (1~30%, default) and Trend is bullish
   Sell: Scan stocks only breakout..maxbreakout (1~30%, default) and Trend is bearish

//== Price Increment Value - depend on different country
Inc = 0.1;  

//== Set the Price Range for stock to scan
PriceFrom = Param("Price From:", 5,   0.1, 200, Inc); 
PriceTo   = Param("Price To:",   100, 0.1, 200, Inc); 
MaxBreakOut = Param("Max Breakout (%)", 5, 1, 30);  
MaxBreakOut = MaxBreakOut/100;

Buy  = C>UpFractal AND C<=(1+MaxBreakOut)*UpFractal AND AlligatorTeeth>AlligatorJaw;
Sell = C=(1-MaxBreakOut)*DownFractal AND AlligatorTeeth=PriceFrom AND C<=PriceTo) AND V>0;

AddTextColumn(FullName(), "Security", 1.0, colorDefault, colorDefault, 200); 
AddTextColumn( WriteIf(Buy,"Buy", WriteIf(Sell, "Sell", "")), "Trade", 1.0);
AddColumn( UpFractal, "Up Fratal");
AddColumn( DownFractal, "Down Fratal");
//AddColumn( MA(V,3)/EMA(V,17), "MAV(3/17)");
AddColumn( C, "Today's Close");


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