

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM


“Experiment” could denote a custom or experimental approach in trading analysis. Developing an AFL script related to “Experiment” might involve creating innovative indicators, strategies, or tools for analysis or trading purposes. Implementing experimental features or indicators within Amibroker, along with a dependable data feed, enables traders to explore new methodologies or indicators, potentially uncovering unique insights for market analysis or trading strategies.

/_SECTION_BEGIN("Indicator price rsi  levels");
// RSI Levels - appplied to Price Chart shows how far 
// tomorrow's closing price has to move in order for 
// the RSI to cross the 70, 50 & 30 levels. 
SetChartBkColor( colorBlack ) ;
pd = Param("Periods",13,5,144,1); 
pds = 2*pd-1;//     (Adjustment for Wilders MA) 
aa = Close-Ref(Close,-1); 
uu = EMA(Max(0,aa),pds); 
dd=  EMA((Max(0,0-aa)),pds); 

rf = IIf(C>2,1000,10000); 

c1 = Param("Upper Level",70,50,90,1); 
qq1 =100/(100-c1)-1; 
ff1 = qq1*dd-uu; 
ff2 = ff1/qq1; 
f1 = Max(ff1,ff2); 
UL = Close + f1*(pds-1)/2; 
UL = IIf(UL>C,floor(UL*rf),ceil(UL*rf))/rf; 

c2 = Param("Equilibrium",50,50,50,0); 
qq2 =100/(100-c2)-1;// [=1] 
ff = dd-uu; 
MM = Close + ff*(pds-1)/2; 
MM = IIf(MM>C,floor(MM*rf),ceil(MM*rf))/rf; 

c3 = Param("Lower Level",30,10,50,1); 
qq3 =100/(100-c3)-1; 
ff1 = qq3*dd-uu; 
ff2 = ff1/qq3; 
f3 = Min(ff1,ff2); 
LL = Close + f3*(pds-1)/2; 
LL = IIf(LL>C,floor(LL*rf),ceil(LL*rf))/rf; 


Cbr = IIf(ULC,32,IIf(MM>C,11,8))); 

X=Cross( C,LL);
//Buy = x;
//Sell = y;
Buy = Trix( 9 ) > Ref( Trix( 9 ) , -1 )
AND MACD( 13, 39 ) > Ref( MACD( 13, 39 ) , -1 );
//AND ADX( 9 ) > Ref( ADX( 9 ) , -1 );

Sell =  Trix( 9 ) < Ref( Trix( 9 ) , -1 )
AND MACD( 13, 39 ) < Ref( MACD( 13, 39 ) , -1 );
//AND ADX( 9 ) > Ref( ADX( 9 ) , -1 );
dist = 1.5*ATR(10); 
dist1 = 2*ATR(10);
trend = ADX( 9 ) > Ref( ADX( 9 ) , -1 );

for( i = 0; i < BarCount; i++ ) 
if( Buy[i] ) PlotText( "A", i, H[ i ]+dist[i], colorGreen, colorBlack ); 
if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "v" , i, H[ i ]+dist[i], colorRed, colorBlack ); 
if( trend[i] ) PlotText( "#", i, L[ i ]-dist1[i], colorWhite, colorBlack ); 

//if( Sell[i] ) PlotText( "Sell\n@" + C[ i ], i, H[ i ]+dist[i], colorBlack, colorRed ); 


//Filter=Buy OR Sell ;

//Title = Name() + "  -  RSI(" + WriteVal(pd,0.0) + ")  -  Close=" +  WriteVal(Close,0.3) + "    UL=" +  WriteVal(UL,0.4) + "    MM=" +  WriteVal(MM,0.4) + "    LL=" +  WriteVal(LL,0.4); 
//P = ParamField("Price field",-1);
//Periods = Param("Periods", 39, 2, 300, 1, 10 );
//Plot( MA( Close,3),"MA3",colorRed,  styleThick =4); 
Plot( EMA( Close,13),"EMA13",colorBlue,styleThick =4  ); 
Plot( EMA( Close,39),"EMA39",colorYellow,styleThick =4  ); 
//Plot( EMA( Close,50),"EMA50",colorBlack  ); 
//Plot( MA( Close,1),"MA3",colorYellow); 

//iff (EMA( Close, 39 ) > Ref( EMA( Close, 39 ), -1 ) AND EMA (Close,3)>EMA(Close,39),) ;

trend_up = EMA( Close, 39 ) > Ref( EMA( Close, 39 ), -1 ) AND EMA (Close,3)>EMA(Close,39);
trend_down = EMA( Close, 39 ) < Ref( EMA( Close, 39 ), -1 ) AND EMA (Close,3)

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