

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Cycle Sketch

Enhance your cycle visualization with the Cycle Sketch AFL for Amibroker. This innovative tool, available for free download, allows traders to sketch and analyze cyclical patterns with ease. Integrated with the reliable Amibroker data feed, Cycle Sketch provides a customizable platform for visualizing and understanding market cycles. Download this AFL to refine your cycle analysis techniques, enabling you to adapt your trading strategy to the ever-changing dynamics of the financial markets.

_SECTION_BEGIN("cycle etch-a");

BarNo  = Cum(1);

GraphXSpace = 10;

BegBar = BeginValue(BarNo);

Pi     = 3.14159265;
Pi2    = 2 * Pi;

BotTop = ParamList("Cycle Bottom/Top", "Bot|Top", 0); 

LenFac = Param("Length Factor",    0, 0, 5, 0.01);

AmpFac = Param("Amplitude Factor", 0, 0, 5, 0.01);

Title  = EncodeColor(colorWhite) + "Cycle Tool   ";

Col = Len = Amp = zzz = Cum(0);

function PlotIt(i)
    Col[i] = ParamColor("#" + NumToStr(i, 1.0) + " Color", colorRed);
    Len[i] = IIf(i > 1 AND LenFac > 0, Len[i - 1] * LenFac, Param("#" + NumToStr(i, 0) + " Length",    1000, 3, 3000));
    Amp[i] = IIf(i > 1 AND AmpFac > 0, Amp[i - 1] * AmpFac, Param("#" + NumToStr(i, 0) + " Amplitude", 1000, 3, 3000));
    Oft[i] = IIf(BotTop == "Bot", - Pi, 0);
    Ofc[i] = - (BegBar - int((BegBar - 1) / Len[i]) * Len[i]) * Pi2 / Len[i];
    yyy    = (cos(BarNo * (Pi2 / (Len[i])) + Oft[i] + Ofc[i]) + 1) * Amp[i];
    zzz    = zzz + yyy;
    Title  = Title + EncodeColor(Col[i]) + "#" + NumToStr(i, 1.0) + " Len/Amp = " + NumToStr(Len[i], 1.0) + "/" + NumToStr(Amp[i], 1.0) + "   ";
    Plot(yyy, "", Col[i]);
    return 1;

for (i = 1; i < 7; i++)
    x = PlotIt(i);

Plot(zzz, "", colorWhite, styleThick);

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