

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Cycle Highlighter

Illuminate market cycles with the Cycle Highlighter AFL for Amibroker. This intuitive tool, available for free download, enhances your ability to recognize and analyze cyclical patterns. Combined with the accurate Amibroker data feed, Cycle Highlighter provides traders with a visual aid to identify potential turning points in the market. Download this AFL to bring clarity to your cycle analysis and improve your decision-making process in response to market dynamics.

_SECTION_BEGIN("Cycle Highlighter");

//  Derived from Millard's "Tribute to J M Hurst" book, using centred MAs to
//  visualise the cyclic components and a 'best fit' sine wave (red) to
//  extrapolate to the right-hand edge.
//  The sine wave is anchored at the most recent trough or peak in the cycle
//  highlighter line. The red and blue spikes show the start point of each plot
//  as far as the correlation goes. Change the "Best fit # recent cycles"
//  parameter to move these. In the title, the first correlation number (blue)
//  is the correlation coefficient between the cycle highlighter and the fitted
//  sine wave in the best fit 'window' and the red number in brackets is the
//  correlation between the *price* and the sine wave over the projected end
//  period (from where the cycle highlighter stops to the right-edge).

function TriMA(array,periods)
   pds = (periods+1)/2;
   pds = IIf(frac(pds)==0, pds, pds+1);
   return MA( MA(array,pds), pds);

function CycleHighlighter(Periods,Price)
   P1 = int(Periods*1.5);  //due to lag characteristics of Tri MA
   P1 = LastValue(IIf(frac(P1/2)==0,P1+1,P1));
   P2 = int(p1/2);
   P2 = LastValue(IIf(frac(P2/2)==0,P2+1,P2));
   MA1 = TriMA(Price,P1);
   MA2 = TriMA(Price,P2);
   PC1 = (P1-1)/2;  //Centre MAs
   PC2 = (P2-1)/2;
   CMA1 = Ref(MA1,PC1);
   CMA2 = Ref(MA2,PC2);
   Cyhi = CMA2-CMA1;
   global Revcount;
   global end;
   Revcount = LastValue( BarIndex() ) - BarIndex();
   end = revcountRef(Basecycle,-1) AND end==0;
	BCStart = IIf(ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCpk,1), ValueWhen(BCpk,BarIndex(),1+Lookbackcycles), ValueWhen(BCtr,BarIndex(),1+Lookbackcycles) ) ;
	BCStart = BarIndex()==LastValue( ValueWhen(end==0,BCStart,1) );
	//derive *recent* average wavelength of Base Cycle (over # of lookbackcycles) from peaks and troughs
	BCpkpds = LastValue( ValueWhen(BCpk,BarIndex(),1) - ValueWhen(BCpk,BarIndex(),1+LookbackCycles) ) / LookbackCycles;
	BCtrpds = LastValue( ValueWhen(BCtr,BarIndex(),1) - ValueWhen(BCtr,BarIndex(),1+LookbackCycles) ) / LookbackCycles;
	BCpds = (BCpkpds+BCtrpds)/2;
	Periods = IIf(Method==0, Periods, BCpds);	

	//now determine suitable amplitude from StDev of Base Cycle during "best fit" window
	sineamplitude = LastValue( StDev( BaseCycle, LastValue(BarsSince(BCStart)) ) *1.5 );
	//now determine where sine wave is anchored to BaseCycle
	//i.e., most recent of a BaseCycle Peak or Trough
	pkOffset = LastValue( ValueWhen(BCpk,BarIndex(),1) )-2;  
	trOffset = LastValue( ValueWhen(BCtr,BarIndex(),1) )-2;
	//Offset = (pkOffset+trOffset)/2;
	if ( LastValue( ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCpk,1) ) )     //RECENT ANCHOR POINT IS A PEAK
 	 {	sine = sin( (Cum(1)-pkOffset+Periods/4-Shift)/Periods * 6.283185 ); }
	if ( LastValue( ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCtr,1) ) )     //RECENT ANCHOR POINT IS A TROUGH
 	 {	sine = sin( (Cum(1)-trOffset+Periods*3/4-Shift)/Periods * 6.283185 ); }	
	return sine*sineamplitude;

Pds = Param("Base Cycle Wavelength", 60, 3, 1000, 2); 
Price = IIf(ParamToggle("Price Field", "Mid Price | Close", 0)==0, (H+L)/2 , C);
CycNo = Param("Best fit # recent cycles", 3, 1, 10);
Method = ParamToggle("Sine Wavelength", "As Base Cycle | Best Fit", 0);
Shift = Param("Manual Shift", 0, -100, 100);

BaseCycle = CycleHighlighter(Pds,Price);
Refsine = AnchoredSine(BaseCycle,CycNo,Method,Pds,Shift);

//Find start of Sine Cycle
Sinepk = HHVBars(Refsine,5)==2 AND RefsineRef(Refsine,-1); 
SineStart = IIf(ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCpk,1), ValueWhen(Sinepk,BarIndex(),1+CycNo), ValueWhen(Sinetr,BarIndex(),1+CycNo) ) ;
SineStart = BarIndex()==LastValue( ValueWhen(end==0,SineStart,1) );
sinamp = IIf(LastValue(ValueWhen(BCpk OR BCtr,BCpk,1)), sineamplitude, -sineamplitude);

//Predicted date & time of next peak or trough (for title)
SineWavelength = LastValue( ValueWhen(sinepk OR sinetr,BarIndex(),1) - ValueWhen(sinepk OR sinetr,BarIndex(),3) );
NextPk = Max( 0, SineWavelength - LastValue(BarsSince(sinepk)) - 2 );
NextTr = Max( 0, sineWavelength - LastValue(BarsSince(sinetr)) - 2 );
Bars = IIf(Nextpk1," base cycles"," base cycle") + EncodeColor(colorGrey50)
       + "\nprojected next: " + EncodeColor(colorDarkRed) + Type + " in " + NumToStr(bars,1.0) + WriteIf(Bars>1," bars"," bar") + EncodeColor(colorGrey50) 
		+ "\ncorrelation = " + EncodeColor(colorBlue) + NumToStr(CorSineBC,1.2) + EncodeColor(colorRed) + " (" + NumToStr(CorEnd,1.2) + ")"; 

Plotcolour = IIf(end, colorLightGrey, ParamColor("Colour",colorBlue) );
Plot( BaseCycle, "Cycle Highlighter", Plotcolour,  ParamStyle("Style",styleThick) | styleNoLabel); 
Plot( 0, "", colorLightGrey,styleNoLabel);

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