

Monday – Friday : 9:00 AM – 6:30 PM

Black Candle

The utilization of Amibroker data feed enables the identification and analysis of Black Candle patterns, crucial for recognizing market shifts. Incorporating this into an Amibroker AFL facilitates the automatic recognition of these patterns, streamlining decision-making processes for traders seeking to capitalize on bearish trends.

/// MACD Candles 

_SECTION_BEGIN( "Standard MACD" );
ShortPds = Param("Fast period", 12, 1, 50, 1 ); 
LongPds  = Param("Slow period", 26, 3, 50, 1 ); 
aperiod  = Param("Signal period", 9, 1, 30, 1 ); 

ml = MACD( ShortPds, LongPds ); 
sl = Signal(ShortPds, LongPds,aperiod); 

InsideMacd = 	(sl < Ref(sl , -1) AND
				ml  > Ref(ml, -1)) OR
				(sl > Ref(sl , -1) AND
				ml  < Ref(ml, -1)) 
Color = IIf( InsideMacd, ParamColor("Inside bar", colorBlack), IIf(sl > ml, ParamColor("up bar", colorGreen), ParamColor("down bar", colorBlack)));
PlotOHLC(ml, sl, ml, sl, "", color, styleCandle);


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